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This function reads or writes the function and configuration registers of a PC Card.

STATUS CardAccessConfigurationRegister(
  UINT8 rw_flag,
  UINT8 offset,
  UINT8* pValue 


  • hCardClient
    [in] Specifies a client handle obtained from the CardRegisterClient function. If no other stream interface drivers own the configuration for the specified socket and function, a null value is permitted.
  • hSocket
    [in] Handle to the socket and function pair whose registers are to be accessed.
  • rw_flag
    [in] Specifies the operation to perform, either CARD_FCR_READ or CARD_FCR_WRITE.
  • offset
    [in] Specifies which register to access.
  • pValue
    [out] Pointer to the byte to write or to the location to store a byte when reading.

Return Values

Return value Description
CERR_SUCCESS Indicates success.
CERR_BAD_SOCKET Indicates failure. Indicates that the identifier specified for the hSocket member of the CARD_EVENT_MASK_PARMS structure is not valid or that there is no PC Card inserted in the socket.
CERR_READ_FAILURE Indicates failure. Indicates that the driver handle specified for hCardClient is not valid.
CERR_WRITE_FAILURE Indicates failure. Indicates that the driver handle specified for hCardClient is not valid.
CERR_BAD_OFFSET Indicates failure. Indicates that the value specified for offset is not valid.
CERR_IN_USE Indicates failure. Indicates that another stream interface driver owns the configuration for this socket and function.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Cardserv.h.
Link Library: Cardserv.lib.

See Also

CardRegisterClient | CARD_EVENT_MASK_PARMS

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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