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This function specifies the prototype for PC Card event callback functions. The card services driver calls the callback function to notify the stream interface device driver of a PC Card event.

  CARD_EVENT CardEvent,
  PCARD_EVENT_PARMS pCardEventParms 


  • CardEvent
    [in] Specifies one of the card services callback event values.
  • hSocket
    [in] Handle to a socket and function pair.
  • pCardEventParms
    [in] Pointer to the members associated with CardEvent.

Return Values

CERR_SUCCESS indicates success. One of the following indicates failure:

    Indicates that the pointer specified for pCardEventParms is not valid.
    Indicates that the socket identifier specified for hSocket is not valid or that a PC Card is not inserted.


When a PC Card event occurs, card services notifies drivers by calling their registered callback functions. The callback function must conform to the CLIENT_CALLBACK prototype.

Drivers can request notice for certain events when they register with the CardRegisterClient function.

You can use the CardRequestSocketMask and CardSetEventMask functions to request event notification for a specific socket and function pair.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Cardserv.h.
Link Library: Cardserv.lib.

See Also

CardRegisterClient | CardRequestSocketMask | CardSetEventMask

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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