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This function reads the byte at the specified offset in a card's attribute memory space.

UINT8 PDCardReadAttrByte(
  PVOID pCardMem,
  UINT32 uOffset 


  • pCardMem
    [in] Pointer to PC Card attribute memory obtained from the CardMapMemory function.
  • uOffset
    [in] Integer setting the offset into the card's attribute memory.

Return Values

Returns the byte read.


This function is called within a try and except statement in case the card is removed and the memory access results in a fault.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Sockserv.h.
Link Library: Cardserv.lib.

See Also

PDCardReadCmnByte | PDCardWriteAttrByte | PDCardWriteCmnByte

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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