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This structure is used by the PDCardInquireWindow function to report a memory or I/O window's characteristics and capabilities.

typedef struct {
  UINT16 fSockets;
  UINT16 fWindowCaps;
  UINT16 fMemoryCaps;
  UINT16 fIOCaps;
  UINT32 uMemFirstByte;
  UINT32 uMemLastByte;
  UINT32 uMemMinSize;
  UINT32 uMemMaxSize;
  UINT32 uMemGranularity;
  UINT32 uMemBase;
  UINT32 uMemOffset;
  UINT32 uIOFirstByte;
  UINT32 uIOLastByte;
  UINT32 uIOMinSize;
  UINT32 uIOMaxSize;
  UINT32 uIOGranularity;
  UINT8 uAddressLines;
  UINT8 fSlowest;
  UINT8 fFastest;


  • fSockets
    A flag indicating the socket number. Bit 0 corresponds to socket 0, and bit 1 corresponds to socket 1.

  • fWindowCaps
    Specifies bit-encoded window capabilities.

    Definition Value Description
    WIN_CAP_COMMON 0x01 Common memory can be mapped into host space.
    WIN_CAP_ATTRIBUTE 0x02 Attribute memory can be mapped.
    WIN_CAP_IO 0x04 I/O ports can be mapped into host I/O space.
    WIN_CAP_WAIT 0x80 WAIT signal can extend access cycle.
  • fMemoryCaps
    Specifies bit-encoded memory window capabilities.

    Definition Value Description
    MEM_CAP_PRG_BASE 0x0001 Programmable base address.
    MEM_CAP_PRG_SIZE 0x0002 Programmable base window size.
    MEM_CAP_ENABLE_WIN 0x0004 Enable or disable window.
    MEM_CAP_8BIT 0x0008 8 bit data bus supported.
    MEM_CAP_16BIT 0x0010 16 bit data bus supported.
    MEM_CAP_BASE_ALIGN 0x0020 Base must align with multiple of size.
    MEM_CAP_OFF_ALIGN 0x0080 Card offset must align on size boundary.
    MEM_CAP_PAGING_HW 0x0100 Paging hardware available.
    MEM_CAP_PAGING_SH 0x0200 Paging hardware shared.
    MEM_CAP_PAGING_EN 0x0400 Enable/disable paging.
    MEM_CAP_WRITE_PROT 0x0800 Window write protect supported.
  • fIOCaps
    Specifies bit-encoded I/O window capabilities.

    Definition Value
    IO_CAP_INPACK 0x0080, INPACK# supported
  • uMemFirstByte
    Specifies the physical address of the first addressable byte.

  • uMemLastByte
    Specifies the physical address of the last addressable byte.

  • uMemMinSize
    Specifies the minimum memory window size, in bytes.

  • uMemMaxSize
    Specifies the maximum memory window size.

  • uMemGranularity
    Specifies the required window granularity.

  • uMemBase
    Specifies the required window base address alignment.

  • uMemOffset
    Specifies the required card offset alignment.

  • uIOFirstByte
    Specifies the physical address of the first addressable byte.

  • uIOLastByte
    Specifies the physical address of the last addressable byte.

  • uIOMinSize
    Specifies the minimum memory window size, in bytes.

  • uIOMaxSize
    Specifies the maximum memory window size, in bytes.

  • uIOGranularity
    Specifies the required memory window granularity.

  • uAddressLines
    Specifies the number of I/O lines decoded.

  • fSlowest
    Specifies the bit-encoded slowest access speed.

  • fFastest
    Specifies the bit-encoded fastest access speed.


It supports the implementation of the driver described in the sample PC Card socket driver.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Sockserv.h.

See Also

PDCardInquireWindow | PC Card Window Speeds

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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