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Emulator Key Combinations

You can use the keyboard of your development workstation to control certain facets of the Emulator while it is running. Predefined key combinations correspond to specific actions in the Emulator window. Before you download an OS image to the Emulator, you can specify a host key. You include the host key in each key combination so that the Emulator can recognize that you are sending keystrokes to it. For information about how to specify a host key, see Downloading an OS Image to the Emulator.

The following table shows the actions that you can initiate in the Emulator with a key combination.

Action Key combination
Pause/Resume Host Key+P
Hard reset Host Key+R
Soft reset Host Key+T
Shutdown Host Key+F4
Display Emulator menu Host Key+ALT+E
Display Help menu Host Key+ALT+H
Display shortcut menu Host Key+ALT+SPACEBAR

You can also move the cursor into the Emulator window. If you cannot move the cursor out of the Emulator window, press the host key and then move the cursor out of the window.

See Also


 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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