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Additional Application and Media Features

When it is appropriate for the target device, the New Platform Wizard provides you with a list of applications and media features available for the platform you have created.

This step is dependent on the configuration you selected to base your platform on. For example, if you base your platform on the Network Device configuration, this step would not appear in the New Platform Wizard. Applications such as Pocket Word or Internet Explorer are not typically association with this kind of device.

The features selected by default are based on the configuration variant that you chose. These defaults are a starting point, not a mandatory configuration for your platform. You may choose to add or remove any of the listed applications and media features by checking or clearing them in the New Platform Wizard, or manually making these changes from the Catalog.

See Also

Platform Creation with the New Platform Wizard | New Platform Configurations | Configuration Variants | Additional Networking and Communications Features | Catalog Features

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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