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Resolving an IDE Feature Dependency

The IDE runs Cesysgen.bat in order to discover what features to bring in by dependency. By examining Cesysgen.bat, you can discover what features bring in a selected feature. For more information, see Cesysgen Batch File.

For information about examining the dependencies of a feature, see How to Check the Dependencies of a Feature.

The IDE has layered an additional dependency mechanism on top of the command-line build dependency mechanism.

It is possible for catalog feature files (CEC) to specify that features have child and optional child features. These child features are displayed under the parent feature in the Catalog in the IDE. For information about CEC files, see Catalog Feature Files.

When you add a feature to your platform by dragging it from the Catalog into the FeatureView window, child features that the feature has are typically added to your platform. There are two types of child features: implementations and types. An implementation is a specific feature, while types are groups of implementations. If a type is brought in by dependency, but no implementation of that type has been brought in, then the workspace is unresolved.

To resolve a feature dependency

  1. In the IDE, from the Platform menu, select Resolve Feature(s).

  2. Select the Unresolved tab, and then select the feature group that you want to resolve, and then select the check box for the feature that you want to associate with the feature group.

    - or -

    Select the Resolved tab, and then select the feature group that you want to resolve, and then deselect the check box for the feature that you want to disassociate from the feature group.

You have resolved a dependency by selecting or deselecting an implementation for the selected feature group.

See Also

Feature Dependencies | Feature Management | Command-Line Feature Dependencies | Platform Modification | Build System

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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