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Kernel Connectivity

Platform Manager provides kernel-level connectivity services that are required by Platform Builder. Platform Builder requires a download service, to download an OS image to a target device, and a kernel transport that serves as a kernel-level connection between the development workstation and the target device. The DBGMSG Service, PPFS Service, and the kernel debugger use a kernel transport.

Platform Manager provides an object called a named connection that stores the information required to establish kernel connectivity between the development workstation and a target device. A named connection stores the settings for a download service and its configuration and for a kernel transport and its configuration. When you choose a named connection in the IDE, Platform Manager displays the download service and kernel transport associated with the named connection. For information about selecting a download service and kernel transport in the IDE, see Configuring a Connection for Downloading and Debugging.

For more information about download services, see Download Service Selection. For more information about kernel transports, see Kernel Transport Selection.

See Also

Platform Debugging | Application Connectivity | Kernel Connectivity Interfaces | Custom Download Service Creation

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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