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Passes a quality-control notification to the appropriate sink.

HRESULT PassNotify(
Quality q);


  • q
    Quality-control notification object.

Return Values

Returns VFW_E_NOT_FOUND if no quality sink is set and the upstream filter does not support the IQualityControl interface. Otherwise, returns the HRESULT value resulting from notifying the sink or the upstream filter.


Output pins receive quality-control notifications and, if possible, filters act on them to degrade appropriately. Often, filters cannot respond to the notifications; in this case the notification should be passed to the quality-control sink or, by default, upstream to the next filter. The PassNotify member function is called from the CTransformOutputPin::Notify member function when a notification requires passing. The Quality structure passed is the one that the output pin received.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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