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This structure describes the data returned in response to an echo request (IcmpSendEcho).

struct icmp_echo_reply {
  IPAddr Address;
  unsigned long Status;
  unsigned long RoundTripTime;
  unsigned short DataSize; 
  unsigned short Reserved; 
  void FAR* Data;
  struct ip_option_information Options; 


  • Address
    Contains the replying IP address.
  • Status
    Contains the reply IP_STATUS as defined in ipexport.h, and general NT_STATUS errors as defined in ntstatus.h.
  • RoundTripTime
    RTT in milliseconds.
  • DataSize
    Contains the reply data size in bytes.
  • Reserved
    Reserved for system use.
  • Data
    Contains a pointer to the reply data.
  • Options
    String containing reply options.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Ipexport.h.

See Also

ICMP Structures | IcmpSendEcho

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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