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Remote Performance Monitor

Remote Performance Monitor is a graphical tool for measuring the performance of a Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET–based platform. With the tool, you can observe the behavior of performance objects such as CPUs, threads, processes, and system memory. Each performance object has an associated set of performance counters that provide information about device usage, queue lengths, and delays, and information used to measure throughput and internal congestion. Remote Performance Monitor provides the ability to track current activity on a target device and the ability to view data from a log file.

To display information from a target device in Remote Performance Monitor, you must first connect to the target device with Platform Manager. For more information about connecting to a target device with Platform Manager, see Application Connectivity. Remote Performance Monitor is designed for platforms created with Platform Builder.

After you connect to the target device, you can display a performance object from the target device in the Remote Performance Monitor window. For more information, see Adding an Object, Counter, or Instance to a Chart.

A performance object is a logical set of counters that describes the performance data of your target platform. A performance counter tracks a single metric on your target platform. To get information on a performance object, call the function corresponding to the performance object. The data structure that the function receives provides the statistics for the performance object. Remote Performance Monitor supports the following performance objects:

  • Remote Access Server (RAS)
  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
  • TCP
  • IP
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
  • Memory
  • Battery
  • System
  • Process
  • Thread

Remote Performance Monitor supports the following four modes for observing performance data.

View Description
Chart Enables you to monitor data in real time.
Alert Notifies you when specified conditions occur on the remote system.
Log Logs data to be viewed at a later time.
Report Displays data in plain text.

Each Remote Performance Monitor object has two parts. The following table shows the parts of a Remote Performance Monitor object.

Part Description
Device-side collector Collects data on the target device.
Remote Performance Monitor Extension DLL Queries the device-side collector for performance data. The data is transferred to the development workstation over Platform Manager, formatted, and displayed in the Remote Performance Monitor user interface (UI).

You can add a performance object or a performance counter by creating an extension dynamic-link library (DLL) for Remote Performance Monitor. For more information, see Remote Performance Monitor Extension DLL Authoring.

See Also

Chart View Window | Alert View Window | Log View Window | Report View Window

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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