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Platform Settings

You can use the Platform Settings dialog box to view and modify options for individual features and for an entire platform. With the Platform Settings dialog box, you can view and modify the following information:

  • General platform options

  • Build options

  • Custom build options

  • Release directory locations

  • Locale options

  • Environment variables

  • Binary image builder (.bib) file information

    Note When you change the settings for a feature and the associated platform, these changes apply only to the active configuration selected in the Project Settings and Platform Settings dialog boxes. If you build the platform using an active configuration that is different from the one selected in either of these dialog boxes, the corresponding setting changes will not be incorporated into the build.

The integrated development environment (IDE) automatically sets environment variables when you use it to configure and modify a platform. You can also set environment variables from the Platform Settings dialog box. The following variables correspond to options on the General and Build Options tabs of the Platform Settings dialog box:

  • _FLATRELEASEDIR corresponds to the Release Directory box found on the General tab. The directory path cannot be longer than 54 characters. An error message is displayed if the path is too long.
  • LOCALE corresponds to the Locale tab. This variable uses a language identifier. The Locale box uses the corresponding language string.
  • IMGNODEBUGGER corresponds to the Enable Kernel Debugger check box found on the Build Options tab. When the Enable Kernel Debugger check box is selected, IMGNODEBUGGER = 0. When the check box is not selected, IMGNODEBUGGER = 1.
  • IMGPROFILER variables correspond to the Enable Profiling check box found on the Build Options tab.
  • IMGNOKITL corresponds to the Enable KITL check box on the Build Options tab.
  • IMGCELOGENABLE corresponds to the Enable Event Tracking check box on the Build Options tab.
  • IMGNOTALLKMODE corresponds to the Enable Full Kernel Mode check box on the Build Options tab. When the check box is selected, IMGNOTALLKMODE = 0. When the check box is not selected, IMGNOTALLKMODE = 1.
  • SYSGEN_APPS_FILES corresponds to the Relocate Apps to FILES Section check box on the Build Options tab.
  • SYSGEN_SHELL enables event tracking during the boot process.
  • IMGAUTOFLUSH flushes events to the release directory

If you try to set one of these environment variables on the Environment tab, Platform Builder will notify you that the variable may be changed by checking or clearing the corresponding option on the General or Build Options tab.

Note   The IDE and command-line environments are independent of each other. Environment variables that you set in one environment may have a different setting in the other environment. Do not combine IDE and command-line procedures when you build a platform.

Use the Settings For window in the Platform Settings dialog box to select a platform configuration. A debug configuration is built with full symbolic debugging information and without optimization. A release configuration is optimized for maximum speed and, therefore, is built without full symbolic debugging information.

For more information about the Platform Settings dialog box, see Platform Settings Dialog Box.

See Also

Modifying Platform Settings | Defining a New Environment Variable on the Custom Build Tab | Copying a File to the Platform Output Directory | Using the #BUILD Command on the Custom Build Tab | Platform Customization | How to Configure and Build an OS Image for a CEPC

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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