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Exporting using the command prompt

The MBF Packager can be accessed from the command prompt. A separate application named MBFPackager.exe is used from the command prompt. This application is located in the \bin folder for the Business Portal. You can run this application from the command prompt to see a list of the commands and parameters.

Some features of the MBF Packager are available only when the application is accessed from the command prompt.

Two types of exporting are available from the command prompt:

  • The items specified by a project file are exported from a Business Portal installation. This is identical to exporting items using the Packager Shell interface.
  • Items of a specific type (or all types) are exported to a “working” folder. This is available only from the command prompt. This feature is useful when you need to export all of the items of a specific type, but don’t want to create a project file.

For example, the following command exports the package files that are of the type SolomonProvider. Notice that the type must be fully-qualified, and that the assembly that contains the definition of the type must be specified.

mbfpackager.exe Export /T:"Microsoft.Solomon.SystemManager.SolomonProvider, Microsoft.Solomon.SystemManager" /D:"c:\ExportFolder"