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CeCloseHandle (RAPI)

This function closes an open object handle. CeCloseHandle is a remote application interface (RAPI), which enables an application running on a desktop computer to make function calls on a Windows CE–based device.

BOOL CeCloseHandle( 
HANDLE hObject); 


  • hObject
    Handle to an open object.

Return Values

Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call CeGetLastError.


The CeCloseHandle function closes handles to the following objects:

Communications device Mutex
Database Process
Event Socket
File Thread

CeCloseHandle invalidates the specified object handle, decrements the object's handle count, and performs object retention checks. After the last handle to an object is closed, the object is removed from the system.

Closing a thread handle does not terminate the associated thread. To remove a thread object, you must terminate the thread, then close all handles to the thread.

Use CeCloseHandle to close handles returned by calls to the CeCreateFile function. Use CeFindClose to close handles returned by calls to the CeFindFirstFile function.


Runs On Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 1.0 and later Rapi.h    

See Also

CeCreateFile, CeDeleteFile, CeFindClose, CeFindFirstFile, CeGetLastError

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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