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The WORKFLOW_DATA_TYPE class describes data types used in workflow object. Please note that although the APIs may accept any value, these are the valid values. For more information about the use of this class, see Conditions and Parameters in the Workflow Reference.

This class does not need instantiation or initialization because the fields represent constant integer values. These values are intended to be used when constructing XML string parameters used in the Microsoft CRM APIs.


[Visual Basic .NET]
   Inherits System.Object
public class WORKFLOW_DATA_TYPE: System.Object
public __gc class WORKFLOW_DATA_TYPE: public System.Object

The WORKFLOW_DATA_TYPE class exposes the following integer fields.

Field Value Description
WFDT_BOOLEAN 5 Specifies a Boolean data type.
WFDT_DATETIME 4 Specifies a date/time data type.
WFDT_DECIMAL 2 Specifies a decimal data type. See Remarks below.
WFDT_GUID 7 Specifies a GUID data type.
WFDT_INTEGER 3 Specifies an integer data type.
WFDT_STRING 1 Specifies a string data type.
WFDT_VARIANT 0 Specifies a variant data type.
WFDT_XML 6 Specifies an XML data type.


When using datatype WFDT_DECIMAL, you should use caution with functions that test equality (WFPM_EQ and WFPM_NEQ) and include the mathematic operators WFPM_ADD, WFPM_SUBTRACTION, WFPM_MULTIPLICATION, or WFPM_DIVISION. Rounding of the WFDT_DECIMAL value can cause unexpected results from these operations.


Namespace: Microsoft.CRM.Flags

Assembly: microsoft.crm.proxy.dll

See Also

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