This structure contains a phrase element for a spoken word.

typedef [restricted] struct SPPHRASEELEMENT{
  ULONG ulAudioTimeOffset;
  ULONG ulAudioSizeTime;
  ULONG ulAudioStreamOffset;
  ULONG ulAudioSizeBytes;
  ULONG ulRetainedStreamOffset;
  ULONG ulRetainedSizeBytes;
  const WCHAR* pszDisplayText;
  const WCHAR* pszLexicalForm;
  const SPPHONEID* pszPronunciation;
  BYTE bDisplayAttributes;
  char RequiredConfidence;
  char ActualConfidence;
  BYTE Reserved;
  float SREngineConfidence;


  • ulAudioTimeOffset
    Starting offset of the element in 100-nanosecond units relative to the start of the phrase.

  • ulAudioSizeTime
    Length of the element in 100-nanosecond units.

  • ulAudioStreamOffset
    Starting offset of the element, in bytes, relative to the start of the phrase in the original input stream.

  • ulAudioSizeBytes
    Size of the element, in bytes, in the original input stream.

  • ulRetainedStreamOffset
    Starting offset of the element, in bytes, relative to the start of the phrase in the retained audio stream.

  • ulRetainedSizeBytes
    Size of the element, in bytes, in the retained audio stream.

  • pszDisplayText
    Pointer to display text for the element. For example, "2" for the spoken word "two".

  • pszLexicalForm
    Pointer to the lexical form of the element, for example, "two".

  • pszPronunciation
    Pointer to a zero-terminated array of phoneme identifiers representing the pronunciation for the element. See International Phoneme Representation.

  • bDisplayAttributes
    Bit field of attributes defining additional display information that the application should honor when displaying the phrase element. Possible values are defined for the SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES enumeration.

  • RequiredConfidence
    Required confidence for the element. Possible values are SP_LOW_CONFIDENCE, SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, and SP_HIGH_CONFIDENCE. If a word is prefixed with a minus sign (-),the required confidence is SP_LOW_CONFIDENCE. A prefix of a plus sign (+) sets the required confidence to SP_HIGH_CONFIDENCE. For example, "This -is -a +test".

  • ActualConfidence
    Actual confidence for the element. Possible values are SP_LOW_CONFIDENCE, SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, and SP_HIGH_CONFIDENCE. This value always reflects at least the required confidence. See RequiredConfidence.

  • Reserved
    Reserved for future use.

  • SREngineConfidence
    Confidence score computed by the SR engine. The value range is engine-dependent, and can be used to optimize application performance with a specific engine. For example, this value can be used with speaker-independent engines, allowing use of a large amount of recorded speech to correctly optimize the overall accuracy of the application.

    Use this value with care. Although it will improve the application with a particular speech engine, it may make it worse with other engines.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Sapi.h, Sapi.idl.

See Also

SAPI Structures

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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