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CRefTime Class

This class is used to manage reference times. It shares the same data layout as the REFERENCE_TIME data type, but adds some (nonvirtual) functions that provide simple comparison, conversion, and arithmetic capabilities.

A reference time is a unit of time represented in 100-nanosecond units. This time unit is the same time unit used by the Microsoft® Win32® FILETIME structure, although the two types cannot be interchanged. Note that the time a REFERENCE_TIME represents is not the time elapsed since 1/1/1601. It is either stream time or reference time, depending on the context.

Data Members

m_time REFERENCE_TIME value of this object.

Member Functions

CRefTime Constructs a CRefTime object.
GetUnits Returns the reference time in units of 100 nanoseconds.
Millisecs Returns the reference time in milliseconds.


operator (REFERENCE_TIME) Casts the CRefTime object to a REFERENCE_TIME data type. The result is the m_time value.
operator = Implements the copy constructor for the CRefTime class.
operator += Adds two CRefTime objects and makes this object equal to the result.
operator –= Subtracts one CRefTime object from another CRefTime object and makes this object equal to the result.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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