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CTransformInputPin Class

The CTransformInputPin class implements the input pin of a simple transform filter. It is the class assigned to the m_pInput data member of the CTransformFilter class. Typically, you can create objects derived from CTransformFilter without modifying the CTransformInputPin class. That is, you can usually override the member functions in CTransformFilter that are called by member functions of this class. This means that you need not derive your own classes for either of the pin classes.

However, if you want to override this class and have your filter class derived from CTransformFilter, you must override the CTransformFilter::GetPin member function to create pins of your derived class.

Protected Data Members

m_pTransformFilter Pointer to the owning CTransformFilter object.

Member Functions

CTransformInputPin Constructs a CTransformInputPin object.
CurrentMediaType Retrieves the media type currently assigned to the filter.

Overridable Member Functions

BreakConnect Informs the derived class when the connection is broken.
CheckConnect Informs the derived class when the connection process is starting.
CheckMediaType Determines if the pin can use a specified media type.
CheckStreaming Verifies conditions for continuing with a streaming operation.
CompleteConnect Informs the derived class when the connection process has completed.
SetMediaType Informs the derived class when the media type is established for the connection.

Implemented IPin Methods

BeginFlush Informs the pin to begin a flush operation.
EndFlush Informs the pin to end a flush operation and notifies the pin that it can start accepting data again.
EndOfStream Informs the input pin that no additional data is expected until a new run command is issued.
NewSegment Specifies that samples following this call are grouped as a segment with a given start time, stop time, and rate.
QueryId Retrieves an identifier for the pin.

Implemented IMemInputPin Methods

Receive Receives the next block of data from the stream.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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