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Assign a Custom Role to a User

This sample assigns a custom security role to a user.

Class Reference

Schema Reference

  • role.xsd



public void AssignCustomRole()
   // strServer should be set with the name of the platform Web server
   string strServer = "MyServerName";

   // strVirtualDirectory should be set with the name of the Microsoft CRM
   // virtual directory on the platform Web server
   string strVirtualDirectory   = "mscrmservices";

   // Create the URL to the SRF files for platform objects
   string strDir = "https://" + strServer + "/" +  strVirtualDirectory + "/";

   // BizUser proxy object
   Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser oUser = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser ();
   oUser.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
   oUser.Url = strDir + "BizUser.srf";

   // SecRole proxy object
   Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.SecRole oSecRole = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.SecRole ();
   oSecRole.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
   oSecRole.Url = strDir + "SecRole.srf";

   // Declare the caller
   Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CUserAuth oUserAuth = null;

   string strSecRoleXML = "";
   string strErrorMsg = "";

   // Array for role IDs and for privilege IDs
   string [] strRoleIds = new string[1];
   Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRolePrivilege [] strPrivilegeIds = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRolePrivilege[2];

      // Get the UserAuth of the currently logged on user
      oUserAuth = oUser.WhoAmI();

      // Build a role XML string in the business unit of the caller
      // Name of the role should be unique in an organization
      strSecRoleXML = "<role>" + 
         "<name>Sales Assistant</name>" + 
         "<businessunitid>" + oUserAuth.MerchantId + "</businessunitid>" +

      // Create a custom role
      strRoleIds[0] = oSecRole.Create(oUserAuth, strSecRoleXML);

      // Get a couple of privileges to be added to this role
      strPrivilegeIds[0] = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRolePrivilege();
      strPrivilegeIds[1] = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRolePrivilege();

      // Users can create accounts (BASIC)
      strPrivilegeIds[0].PrivilegeId = "{D26FE964-230B-42DD-AD93-5CC879DE411E}"; 
      strPrivilegeIds[0].Depth = Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.PRIVILEGE_DEPTH.BASIC;
      // Users can read accounts (BASIC)
      strPrivilegeIds[1].PrivilegeId = "{886B280C-6396-4D56-A0A3-2C1B0A50CEB0}";   
      strPrivilegeIds[1].Depth = Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.PRIVILEGE_DEPTH.BASIC;

      // Add a couple of privileges to the role
      oSecRole.AddPrivileges(oUserAuth, strRoleIds[0], strPrivilegeIds);

      // Assign the custom role to the caller user
      oSecRole.AssignUserRoles(oUserAuth, oUserAuth.UserId, strRoleIds);
   catch(System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException err)
      // Process the platform error here
      strErrorMsg = ("ErrorMessage: " + err.Message + " " + err.Detail.OuterXml + " Source: " + err.Source );
   catch(Exception err)
      // Process other errors here
      strErrorMsg = ("ErrorMessage: " + err.Message + "Source: " + err.Source );

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