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CountryRegionContext Class

CountryRegionContext Class

Contains the associated country or region context of a request. Used to populate the UserInfoHeader.Context property.

Public Class CountryRegionContext
    Member of [Namespace]
public class CountryRegionContext : System.Object
    Member of [Namespace]

Public Properties

public propertyEntityID The number representing the Entity.ID property of a country or region; used to set the geographic context for the SOAP request and response. Integer.
public propertyIso2 The ISO two-letter country code representing the geographic context for the SOAP request and response. String.


  • The default context is the United States (EntityID=244, Iso2=US).
  • CountryRegionContext is valid with either a EntityID or Iso2 property, or both. If both are passed, they must both refer to the same country or region; otherwise, a SOAP fault is returned.
  • If the request includes a EntityID value that is not supported for the desired function, a SOAP fault is returned.
  • For a table of valid entity IDs and ISO2 values, see CountryRegion Entity IDs.
  • Finding addresses, finding nearby points of interest, and creating routes are limited to certain countries in valid data sources. The MapPoint Web Service Data Sources and Capabilities table lists the countries or regions in a data source that are valid for performing these functions.

See Also

UserInfoHeader.Context Property | Entity.ID Property | CountryRegion Entity IDs | MapPoint Web Service Data Sources and Capabilities