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CountryRegionInfo.EntityID Property

The number representing the country or region Entity.ID property. Integer.

Public Dim EntityID As Integer
    Member of [Namespace].CountryRegionInfo
public System.Int32 EntityID
    Member of [Namespace].CountryRegionInfo



[Visual Basic] 
'This example assumes that the service instance 
''commonService' has already been created and that 
'the MapPoint Web Service namespace has been imported 

Dim myCountryRegionInfo() As CountryRegionInfo
Dim entityIDs(0) As Integer
entityIDs(0) = 244
myCountryRegionInfo = commonService.GetCountryRegionInfo(entityIDs)
Console.WriteLine("The Entity ID for " + myCountryRegionInfo(0).FriendlyName _
    + " is " + myCountryRegionInfo(0).EntityID.ToString())

//This example assumes that the service instance 
//'commonService' has already been created and that 
//the MapPoint Web Service namespace has been imported 

CountryRegionInfo[] myCountryRegionInfo;
int[] entityIDs = new int[1];
entityIDs[0] = 244;
myCountryRegionInfo = commonService.GetCountryRegionInfo(entityIDs);
Console.WriteLine("The Entity ID for " + myCountryRegionInfo[0].FriendlyName 
    + " is " + myCountryRegionInfo[0].EntityID.ToString());


See Also

CountryRegionInfo Class | Entity.ID Property | CountryRegion Entity IDs