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FindNearbyCategory Overview

Public Constructors

public constructor FindNearbyCategory Constructor Initializes a new instance of the FindNearbyCategory class.

Public Properties

public property KeyName A unique, culture-neutral name for a particular Find Nearby category, which is assigned by the administrator. System.String
public property DefaultCulture The name of the default culture for the Find Nearby category represented by the current instance.  System.String
public property Names An array of FindNearbyCategoryName instances (objects) for a given Find Nearby category. FindNearbyCategoryName[]
public property IconDataSource The data source that contains the icons used in rendered maps. System.String
public property IconName The icon name represented as a string. System.String
public property FindNearbySpecification A FindNearbySpecification object that is used for a proximity search. FindNearbySpecification
public property DistanceUnit Passed to the Microsof0® MapPoint® Web Service Find service when a call to the FindNearby method is made. This property is not used directly to retrieve Find Nearby categories.  MapPoint DistanceUnit

See Also

FindNearbyCategory Class