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CustomerInfoRouteHeader Class

CustomerInfoRouteHeader Class

Contains a customer-defined code number used to represent transactions sent to MapPoint Web Service using methods of the RouteServiceSoap class. This number can be used to order or group reports on the MapPoint Web Service Customer Services site.

Public Class CustomerInfoRouteHeader 
  Inherits [Namespace].CustomerInfoHeader
    Member of [Namespace]
public class CustomerInfoRouteHeader : [Namespace].CustomerInfoHeader
    Member of [Namespace]

Public Properties

public propertyCustomLogEntry (inherited from the CustomerInfoHeader object) The customer-defined code number associated with a particular transaction. Short.


  • The CustomerInfoRouteHeader class is passed in the RouteServiceSoap.CustomerInfoRouteHeaderValue property in the SOAP header for every call that you want to track in a particular way, such as tracking calls for particular end customers or for calls of a certain type.
  • See the Help topic About MapPoint Web Service reports on the MapPoint Web Service Customer Services Web site ( for information about the reporting available with MapPoint Web Service. For information on how to access the site, read the customer information that you received when you enrolled in the service.

See Also

RouteServiceSoap Class | MapPoint Web Service SOAP Headers