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The ClientCount property retrieves the number of clients connected to the encoding application.


int = IWMEncNetConnectionStats.ClientCount;


This property takes no parameters.

Property Value

An Int32 that indicates the number of connected clients.


An encoding application can unicast and multicast from a Windows Media server, and by default, up to five clients can connect directly to the computer hosting the encoding application. Administrators can change this limit to a maximum limit of 50 connections. For more information, see Controlling Client Connections.

Example Code

using WMEncoderLib;

// Declare objects and variables.
IWMEncStatistics Stats;
IWMEncNetConnectionStats NetStats;
int lClients;
string sAddr;
int i;

// Retrieve an IWMEncStatistics object and an IWMEncNetConnections
// object.
Stats = Encoder.Statistics;
NetStats = (IWMEncNetConnections)Stats.NetConnectionStats;

// Retrieve the number of clients connected.
lClients = NetStats.ClientCount;

// Retrieve the IP address of each client.
for (i=0; i< lClients; i++)
    sAddr = NetStats.get_ClientInfo(i, out WMENC_BROADCAST_PROTOCOL);

catch (Exception e)
     // TODO: Handle exceptions.


Reference: Windows Media Encoder

Namespace: WMEncoderLib

Assembly: Interop.WMEncoderLib.dll

Library: WMEncoderLib.dll

See Also