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Player6.SAMILang (deprecated)

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This page documents a feature of the Windows Media Player 6.4 ActiveX control. We recommend that you migrate your content to use the Windows Media Player 9 Series ActiveX control. For more information about the Windows Media Player 9 Series ActiveX control, see the Windows Media Player 9 Series SDK.

This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating the language displayed for closed captioning.



Possible Values

This property is a read/write String. If no language is specified, the default behavior is for closed captioning to display the first language defined in the Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) file.


This property supports only English when the Windows Media Player control is embedded in a Web page viewed with Netscape Navigator.

A SAMI file can contain text for one or many languages. The languages available for closed captioning are defined between the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags in the SAMI file. A language can be specified by any unique alphanumeric string that is preceded by a period. For example, .ENUSCC could be used to define US English.


Version: Windows Media Player version 6.4.

Library: Use msdxm.ocx.

Platform: Windows 98 Second Edition or higher.

See Also