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Microsoft Speech SDK Version 5.1


The following methods may be used to construct the instance.

Creates and sets the instance to NULL.

void CSpDynamicString( void )


None. Initializes string to NULL.

Creates and allocates an instance of the specified number of WCHARs.

void CSpDynamicString(
   ULONG   cchReserve


  • cchReserve
    [in] The length of the string to allocate.

Creates and initializes and copies the source string into it.

void CSpDynamicString(
   const WCHAR  *pSrc


  • cchReserve
    [in] Initializes the string to pSrc.

Creates and initializes and copies the source string into it.

void CSpDynamicString(
   const char  *pSrc


  • pSrc
    [in] Initializes the string to pSrc.

Makes a copy of the CSpDynamicString class string. The current instance is CoMemtaskFree() first, if needed.

void CSpDynamicString(
   const CSpDynamicString  &src;


  • src
    [in] Initializes the string by copying the string of src.

Allocates an instance and copies the reference GUID into it.

void CSpDynamicString(
   REFGUID   rguid


  • rguid
    [in] Initializes the string from the CLSID of rguid.