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The get_StreamOutputStats method retrieves the encoding and broadcasting statistics for a specific output stream.


object IWMEncStatistics.get_StreamOutputStats(
  short  iMediaIndex,
  short iStreamIndex



[in]  Member of a WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE enumeration type indicating the type of the specific stream.


[in]  Int16 containing the source group index number for a specific input media stream of the type identified by enumType. Because a source group can only contain one audio, one video and one text stream, iMediaIndex must be zero.


[in]  Int16 containing the index of a specific output stream for the input stream identified by iMediaIndex. A profile identifies the number of multiple output streams for a given input stream.

Return Values

An IWMEncOutputStats object containing status information about the output stream.

If this property fails, it returns an error number.

Number Description
0xC00D1B7D No statistics are currently available.


This property is read-only. The IWMEncOutputStats interface contains information about the number of media samples received and dropped; the current, average and expected bit rate of the broadcast; and the current, average and expected rates at which media samples are encoded. You can use the get_StreamOutputStats method in a timer control.

Example Code

using WMEncoderLib;

// Create a WMEncoder object.
WMEncoder Encoder;
Encoder = new WMEncoder();

// Retrieve an IWMEncStatistics object.
IWMEncStatistics Stats;
Stats = Encoder.Statistics;

// Configure the encoding session.

// Retrieve the number of multiple bit rate output streams.

int iStreamCount;
iStreamCount = Stats.get_StreamOutputCount(WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE.WMENC_VIDEO,0);

// Retrieve an IWMEncOutputStats object from the
// IWMEncStatistics object.
IWMEncOutputStats OutputStats;
OutputStats = (IWMEncOutputStats)Stats.get_StreamOutputStats(WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE.WMENC_VIDEO, 0, 0);

// You can create a timer control to retrieve the statistics
// (as follows) after you start encoding.
int lAvgBitrate;
int lAvgSampleRate;
decimal lByteCount;
int lCurrentBitRate;
int lCurrentSampleRate;
decimal lDroppedByteCount;
decimal lDroppedSampleCount;
int lExpectedBitRate;
int lExpectedSampleRate;
decimal lSampleCount;

lAvgBitrate = OutputStats.AverageBitrate;
lAvgSampleRate = OutputStats.AverageSampleRate;
lByteCount = OutputStats.ByteCount;
lCurrentBitRate = OutputStats.CurrentBitrate;
lCurrentSampleRate = OutputStats.CurrentSampleRate;
lDroppedByteCount = OutputStats.DroppedByteCount;
lDroppedSampleCount = OutputStats.DroppedSampleCount;
lExpectedBitRate = OutputStats.ExpectedBitrate;
lExpectedSampleRate = OutputStats.ExpectedSampleRate;
lSampleCount = OutputStats.SampleCount;

catch (Exception e)
     // TODO: Handle exceptions.


Reference: Windows Media Encoder

Namespace: WMEncoderLib

Assembly: Interop.WMEncoderLib.dll

Library: WMEncoderLib.dll

See Also