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The ID property retrieves the ID of the current DRM profile.


string = IWMDRMProfile.ID;


This property takes no parameters.

Property Value

A String containing the profile ID.


This property is read-only.

It is recommended that you keep the DRM profile ID secure; for example, do not add this as an attribute to content headers.

Example Code

using WMEncoderLib;

// Create a WMEncoder object.
  WMEncoder Encoder;
  Encoder = new WMEncoder();

// Create an IWMDRMContentAuthor object.
  IWMDRMContentAuthor DRM;
  DRM = Encoder.EncoderDRMContentAuthor;

// Retrieve the collection of DRM profiles.
  IWMDRMProfileCollection DRMProColl;
  DRMProColl = DRM.DRMProfileCollection;

// Create an IWMDRMProfile object and retrieve the first DRM profile
// in the collection.
  IWMDRMProfile DRMPro;
  DRMPro = DRMProColl.Item(0);

// Set the DRM profile into the current encoding session. You can specify
// a key ID. If you don't, one is generated.
  object vKeyID = 0;
  DRM.SetSessionDRMProfile(DRMPro.ID, ref vKeyID);

// Configure the encoding session, including the sources, the output,
// and the profile, and then start encoding.

catch (Exception e)
     // TODO: Handle exceptions.


Reference: Windows Media Encoder

Namespace: WMEncoderLib

Assembly: Interop.WMEncoderLib.dll

Library: WMEncoderLib.dll

See Also