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MSPropShell Interface

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The MSPropShell interface controls the property pages hosted by the MSPropShell ActiveX control. It can be used to add a property page interface to the control and link the property page to Windows Media Encoder.

To use the MSPropShell control, you must add the Microsoft PropShell Control 1.0 reference to the project, and add the MS PropShell Ctrl Class component to the Toolbox. For more information, see Programming in C#.

The MSPropShell interface exposes the following properties, methods and events.

Property Description
ApplyIndex Retrieves the index number of the property page being applied to the WMEncoder object.
AutoRefresh Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the property pages are automatically refreshed when either a new property page or a WMEncoder object is attached to them.
InitNew Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the property pages hosted by the MSPropShell control must be reinitialized.
IsDirty Not implemented in this release.
LocaleID Specifies and retrieves the national language used in the property pages.
PageCount Retrieves the number of property pages in the MSPropShell control.
PageIndex Specifies and retrieves the index of the currently active property page.
Style Specifies and retrieves an enumeration member indicating whether the property pages are displayed with tabs.
TabWidth Specifies and retrieves the width of the property page tabs.
Method Description
AddObject Adds a WMEncoder object to the MSPropShell control.
AddPage Adds a property page object to the MSPropShell control.
Apply Sends property page changes to Windows Media Encoder.
get_PageHasHelp Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether Help is defined for a specific page.
get_PageTitle Retrieves the title of a specific property page.
GetPage Retrieves a specific property page.
Load Not implemented in this release.
ModifyProperty Not implemented in this release.
Refresh Recreates all of the property pages in the MSPropShell control.
RemoveAllObjects Removes all WMEncoder objects from the MSPropShell control.
RemoveAllPages Removes all of the property pages from the MSPropShell control.
ResetBag Not implemented in this release.
ResetBagFromEngine Not implemented in this release.
ShowPageHelp Displays Help for a specific property page.
Update Not implemented in this release.
Validate Not implemented in this release.
Event Description
OnPageChanged Not implemented in this release.
OnPageChanging Not implemented in this release.

See Also