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Displaying the Windows Media Stream Editor

Windows Media Encoder SDK banner art

A reference is included with the Windows Media Encoder SDK that allows you to display the Windows Media Stream Editor, which is a utility for editing streams. This utility is an implementation of the WMStreamEdit interface.

To display the Windows Media Stream Editor, add the StreamEditorMod 1.0 Type Library to your Visual Basic or C# project. The following examples show how to display the Windows Media Stream Editor. For end-to-end code examples, see Complete Code Examples.

Visual Basic Example

' Create the StreamEditor object.
  Dim StreamEditUI As StreamEditor
  Set StreamEditUI = New StreamEditor

' Display the Windows Media Stream Editor.
  StreamEditUI.EnableStandalone = True

C# Example


class StreamEditUI
    static void Main()
            // Create the StreamEditor object.
            IStreamEditor StreamEditUI = new StreamEditorClass();

            // Display the Windows Media Stream Editor.
            StreamEditUI.EnableStandalone = true;

        catch (Exception e) 
            // TODO: Handle exceptions.

See Also