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The Count property retrieves the number of registered devices.


Long = IWMEncDeviceControlPluginInfoManager.Count


This property takes no parameters.

Property Value

A Long that indicates the number of items.


This property is read-only.

To control digital devices programmatically, you must add the Windows Media Encoder Device Control reference to the project. For more information, see Programming in Visual Basic.

Example Code

' Declare objects and variables.
Dim Encoder As WMEncoder
Dim DCPlugMgr As IWMEncDeviceControlPluginInfoManager
Dim PlugInfo As IWMEncPluginInfo
Dim iPindex As Integer, iRindex As Integer, x As Integer

Set Encoder = New WMEncoder
Set DCPlugMgr = Encoder.DeviceControlPluginInfoManager

' Loop through the connected digital devices on the system.
For iPindex = 0 To DCPlugMgr.Count - 1
    ' Set the IWMEncPluginInfo object to the current plug-in.
    Set PlugInfo = DCPlugMgr.Item(iPindex)
    ' Find the device plug-ins that support resources.
    If PlugInfo.SchemeType = "DeviceControl" And _
    PlugInfo.Resources = True Then
        ' Loop through the resources in the current plug-in
        ' and add them to the cboDevices combo box.
        For iRindex = 0 To PlugInfo.Count - 1
            cboDevices.List(x) = PlugInfo.Item(iRindex)
            x = x + 1
        Next iRindex
    End If
Next iPindex


Reference: Windows Media Encoder Device Control

Library: wmdevctl.dll

See Also