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The EnableTimecode property specifies and retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the time code is enabled for content created with the current profile.


WMEncProfile2.EnableTimecode(iRenderSiteIndex) = Boolean
Boolean = WMEncProfile2.EnableTimecode(iRenderSiteIndex)



[in]  Integer containing the audience stream index. Because an audience can only contain one stream of each type, iRenderSiteIndex must be 0.

Property Value

A Boolean indicating whether to enable the time code for the content created with the current profile.


The time code is a way to enable frame-level seeking within video content sourced from digital video files in .avi format, capture devices, and digital devices. A time code generates a larger output file. Typically this feature is used with high-quality content for a download that uses variable bit rate (VBR) mode or is not compressed. You cannot preserve or create a time code when you are applying the inverse telecine filter.

When you want to enable the time code during an encoding session, you set WMEncoder.EnableTimecode to True, and then this property is also set to True automatically. So, you only need to set WMEncProfile2.EnableTimecode to True for a profile when you want to allow third-party applications based on the Windows Media Format SDK to use the profile with the time code enabled.

Use the WMEncoder.PreserveSourceTimecode property to indicate whether to preserve the original time code from the source video or to create a new one.

Example Code

' Create a WMEncProfile2 object.
  Dim Pro As WMEncProfile2
  Set Pro = New WMEncProfile2

' Load a custom profile. REPLACE THE FILE NAME.
  Pro.LoadFromFile "C:\Profiles\CustomProfile.prx"

' Determine whether the time code is enabled.
  Dim bTimecode As Boolean
  bTimecode = Pro.EnableTimecode(0)


Reference: Windows Media Encoder

Library: wmenc.exe

See Also