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Enumeration Types

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The Windows Media Encoder SDK implements the following enumeration types.

Enumeration type Description
PSSTYLE Defines whether a property page is tabbed.
WMENC_ARCHIVE_OPERATION Defines whether the archiving operation has been started or stopped.
WMENC_ARCHIVE_STATE Defines whether the archiving operation is running, stopped or paused.
WMENC_ARCHIVE_TYPE Defines where encoded content is saved.
WMENC_AUDIOLEVEL_UNITS Defines the units of measure for the volume of an audio stream.
WMENC_BASICEDIT_STATE Defines whether the basic edit process is running or stopped.
WMENC_BROADCAST_PROTOCOL Defines the protocol used to broadcast encoded media content.
WMENC_CONTENT_MODE Defines the type of audio content for use with the Windows Media Audio Voice 9 codec.
WMENC_CROPPING_MODE Defines how an image is cropped.
WMENC_DEVICE_MODE Defines the mode of operation for an external digital device.
WMENC_DEVICECONTROL_STATE Defines the operation state of an external digital device.
WMENC_ENCODER_STATE Defines whether the encoding process has been started or stopped.
WMENC_INDEXER_OPERATION Defines whether the indexing process has been stopped.
WMENC_INDEXER_STATE Defines the state of the indexing process.
WMENC_MEDIA_FILTER Defines the types of input streams supported by a profile.
WMENC_PIXELFORMAT_VIDEO Defines the pixel format of a video stream or image.
WMENC_PLUGIN_TYPE Defines the type of plug-in.
WMENC_PROFILE_BROADCAST_MODE Defines the type of frame rate used for a broadcast.
WMENC_PROFILE_COMPATIBILITY Defines which version of Windows Media Encoder technology that a profile is compatible with.
WMENC_PROFILE_VBR_MODE Defines the variable bit rate (VBR) mode that is being used.
WMENC_SOURCE_STATE Defines whether the process of capturing an input stream has been started or stopped, or whether the file transfer source has started or stopped sending data.
WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE Defines whether the input source stream is audio, video, or script, or includes file transfer data.
WMENC_VIDEO_OPTIMIZATION Defines how video is rendered in the video window.
WMENC_VIDEOCOMPLEXITY Defines the video complexity.
WMENCAPP_PROP_CLASS Defines the property class that identifies the display state of the user interface panels and windows.

See Also