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International Word List

This appendix contains translations of the English word list that appears on the following pages. The intent of this list is to provide, for each of the following languages, a comprehensive set of words and phrases that either appear in the Microsoft Windows user interface or are used in describing key concepts of the operating system to users.

Choose a Language Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Czech Danish Dutch Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish

that bold indicates command names that appear on buttons and menus.

US Term Portuguese (Brazil) Term Term Note
1. About 1. Sobre
2. accessibility 2. acessibilidade
3. active 3. ativo Will vary depending on gender/number agreement:
ativo (masc. sing.), ativa (fem. sing.), ativos (masc. pl.), ativas (fem. pl.).
4. active window 4. janela ativa
5. Always on Top 5. Sempre visvel
6. Apply 6. Aplicar
7. auto-exit 7. sada automtica
8. auto-join 8. ingresso automtico
9. auto-repeat 9. repetio automtica
10. automatic scrolling (autoscroll) 10. rolagem automtica
11. Back 11. Voltar
12. bold 12. negrito
13. border 13. borda
14. Browse 14. Procurar
15. Cancel 15. Cancelar
16. cascading menu 16. menu em cascata
17. check box 17. caixa de seleo
18. choose 18. escolher
19. Clear 19. Limpar
20. click 20. clique (n.) / clicar (v.)
21. Clipboard 21. rea de transferncia
22. Close 22. Fechar
23. Close button 23. boto Fechar
24. collapse (outline) 24. recolher (estrutura de tpicos)
25. column heading 25. cabealho da coluna
26. command button 26. boto de comando
27. Copy 27. Copiar
28. Copy Here 28. Copiar aqui
29. Create Shortcut 29. Criar atalho
30. Create Shortcut Here 30. Criar atalho aqui
31. cursor 31. cursor
32. customize 32. personalizar
33. Cut 33. Recortar
34. default 34. padro
35. default button 35. boto padro
36. Delete 36. Excluir
37. desktop 37. rea de trabalho
38. desktop toolbar 38. barra da rea de trabalho
39. destination 39. destino
40. dialog box 40. caixa de dilogo
41. disability 41. deficincia
42. disjoint selection 42. seleo desconexa
43. dock 43. encaixe (n.) / encaixar (v.)
44. document window 44. janela de documento
45. double-click 45. clique duplo (n.) / clicar duas vezes (v.)
46. download 46. download (n.) / fazer o download (v.)
47. drag 47. arrasto (n.) / arrastar (v.)
48. drag-and-drop 48. arrastar e soltar
49. drop-down list 49. lista suspensa
50. drop-down menu 50. menu suspenso
51. Edit 51. Editar
52. Edit menu 52. menu Editar
53. embedded object 53. objeto incorporado
54. Exit 54. Sair
55. expand (an outline) 55. expandir (uma estrutura de tpicos)
56. Explore 56. Explorar
57. Favorites menu 57. menu Favoritos
58. file 58. arquivo
59. File menu 59. menu Arquivo
60. Find 60. Localizar
61. Find Next 61. Localizar prxima Will vary depending on gender agreement:
Localizar prxima (fem.),
Localizar prximo (masc.).
62. Finish 62. Concluir
63. folder 63. pasta
64. Folder Options 64. Opes de pasta
65. Font 65. Fonte
66. font size 66. tamanho de fonte
67. font style 67. estilo de fonte
68. Forward 68. Avanar / Encaminhar Will vary depending on context:
Translate Forward as Avanar when it is the opposite of Back.
Translate Forward as Encaminhar when referring to e-mail.
69. frame 69. quadro
70. function key 70. tecla de funo
71. Go menu 71. menu Ir
72. handle 72. identificador/ala Will vary depending on context:
Translate handle as identificador when it means: 1. A number that can be used to access a device or an object such as a file, a window, or a dialog box in a graphical interface. A handle is a means of uniquely identifying an object.
2. In programming, a handle is a pointer to a pointer, that is, a variable that contains the address of another variable, which in turn contains the address of yet another variable.
Translate handle as ala when it has the following meaning: In computer graphics, a handle is a small square associated with a graphical object that can be used to move or reshape the image.
73. Help 73. Ajuda
74. Help menu 74. menu Ajuda
75. Hide 75. Ocultar
76. hold 76. esperar (v), espera (n.) / reteno (n.), reter (v.) / manter pressionado (v.) Will vary depending on context:
1. Translate hold as espera (n.) or esperar (v.) when it means the same as wait.
Example: on hold => em espera.
2. Translate hold as reteno (n.) or reter (v.) when it means the same as retention (n.) or retain (v.) respectively.
Example: call hold => reteno de chamada.
3. Translate hold as manter pressionado when it refers to pressing a button or key, and keeping it down. The gender/ number agreement will vary depending on context: manter pressionado (for one button), manter pressionados (for 2 or more buttons), manter pressionada (for one key on the keyboard), manter pressionadas (for 2 or more keys on the keyboard).
77. Home 77. Home
78. hot spot 78. ponto de acesso
79. hot zone 79. zona de acesso
80. hover 80. foco (n.) / focalizar (v.)
81. hyperlink 81. hiperlink
82. icon 82. cone
83. inactive window 83. janela inativa
84. input 84. entrada
85. Insert 85. Inserir
86. Insert Object 86. Inserir objeto
87. insertion point 87. ponto de insero
88. Internet 88. Internet
89. italic 89. itlico
90. keyboard 90. teclado
91. label 91. rtulo (n.) / rotular (v.)
92. landscape 92. paisagem
93. link (n.) 93. link / vnculo Will vary depending on context:
Translate link (n.) as link when it refers to a hypertext connection, a button, or a highlighted bit of text that, when selected, jumps the reader to another page. Translate link (n.) as vnculo in all other contexts.
94. link (v.) 94. vincular
95. Link Here 95. Vincular aqui
96. link path 96. caminho do link / caminho do vnculo Will vary depending on context:
Translate link path as caminho do link when the word link refers to a hypertext connection, a button, or a highlighted bit of text that, when selected, jumps the reader to another page. Translate link path as caminho do vnculo in all other contexts.
97. linked object 97. objeto vinculado
98. list box 98. caixa de listagem
99. list view (control) 99. modo de exibio de lista (controle)
100. Log Off 100. Efetuar logoff
101. manual link 101. vnculo manual
102. Map Drive 102. Mapear unidade
103. Maximize 103. Maximizar
104. maximize button 104. boto de maximizao
105. menu 105. menu
106. menu bar 106. barra de menus
107. menu button 107. boto de menu
108. menu item 108. item de menu
109. menu title 109. ttulo de menu
110. message box 110. caixa de mensagem
111. Minimize 111. Minimizar
112. minimize button 112. boto de minimizao
113. modifier key 113. tecla modificadora
114. monitor 114. monitor (n.) / monitorar (v.)
115. mouse 115. mouse
116. Move 116. Mover
117. Move Here 117. Mover para c
118. My Computer (icon) 118. Meu computador (cone)
119. Network Neighborhood (icon) 119. Ambiente de rede (cone)
120. New 120. Novo Will vary depending on gender/number agreement: Novo (masc. sing.), Nova (fem. sing., Novos (masc. pl.), Novas (fem. pl.).
121. Next 121. Avanar / Prximo Will vary depending on context:
Translate Next as Avanar when it is the opposite of Back. Translate Next as Prximo when it is the opposite of Previous. (Note: The gender, Prximo (masc.) or Prxima (fem.), may also vary with context.)
122. No 122. No
123. object 123. objeto
124. object linking and embedding (OLE) 124. vinculao e incorporao de objetos (OLE)
125. OK 125. OK
126. online 126. on-line
127. Open 127. Abrir
128. Open With 128. Abrir com
129. option button 129. boto de opo
130. Options 130. Opes
131. Page Setup 131. Configurar pgina
132. palette window 132. janela de paleta
133. panning 133. viso panormica
134. pane 134. painel
135. password 135. senha
136. Paste 136. Colar
137. Paste Link 137. Colar vnculo
138. Paste Shortcut 138. Colar atalho
139. Paste Special 139. Colar especial
140. path 140. caminho
141. Pause 141. Pausar
142. Play 142. Executar The generic translation is Executar, but Play can have different translations in more specific contexts: Tocar (for sounds), Passar (for movies), Jogar (for games).
143. point (v.) 143. apontar
144. pointer 144. ponteiro
145. pop-up window 145. janela pop-up
146. portrait 146. retrato
147. press 147. pressionar
148. Previous 148. Anterior
149. primary window 149. janela primria
150. Print 150. Imprimir
151. Print Here 151. Imprimir aqui
152. printer 152. impressora
153. Programs menu 153. menu Programas
154. progress indicator 154. indicador de progresso
155. Properties 155. Propriedades
156. property page 156. pgina de propriedades
157. Quick Launch taskbar 157. barra de tarefas de inicializao rpida
158. Quick View 158. Visualizao rpida
159. read-only 159. somente leitura
160. Recycle Bin (icon) 160. Lixeira (cone)
161. Redo 161. Refazer
162. Refresh 162. Atualizar
163. region selection 163. seleo de regio
164. Repeat 164. Repetir
165. Replace 165. Substituir
166. Restore 166. Restaurar
167. Resume 167. Continuar
168. Retry 168. Repetir
169. Run 169. Executar
170. Save 170. Salvar
171. Save All 171. Salvar tudo
172. Save As 172. Salvar como
173. screen 173. tela
174. screen text 174. texto da tela
175. scroll 175. rolagem (n.) / rolar (v.)
176. scroll arrow 176. seta de rolagem
177. scroll arrow button 177. boto de seta de rolagem
178. scroll bar 178. barra de rolagem
179. scroll box 179. caixa de rolagem
180. Search 180. Pesquisar
181. secondary window 181. janela secundria
182. select 182. selecionar
183. Select All 183. Selecionar tudo
184. selection 184. seleo
185. Send 185. Enviar
186. Send to 186. Enviar para
187. Setup 187. Instalao
188. Settings menu 188. menu Configuraes
189. shortcut 189. atalho
190. shortcut button 190. boto de atalho
191. shortcut icon 191. cone de atalho
192. shortcut key 192. tecla de atalho
193. shortcut menu 193. menu de atalho
194. Show 194. Mostrar
195. Shut Down 195. Desligar
196. Size menu 196. menu Tamanho
197. slider 197. controle deslizante
198. source 198. origem / fonte / cdigo fonte Will vary depending on context:
Translate source as origem when it refers to a disk, file, document, or other "collection" of information from which data is taken or moved.
Translate source as cdigo fonte when it refers to source code.
Translate source as fonte in the following cases: (1) when it is part of the term: data source => fonte de dados; (2) in the multimedia environment: audio source => fonte de udio, video source => fonte de vdeo.
199. Split 199. Dividir
200. split bar 200. barra de diviso
201. split box 201. caixa de diviso
202. Start button 202. boto Iniciar
203. Start menu 203. menu Iniciar
204. status notification area 204. rea de notificao de status
205. Stop 205. Parar
206. tab 206. guia / tabulao (n.), tabular(v.) Will vary depending on context.
Translate tab as guia when referring to a tab (i.e., a projection from a screen) in a dialog box. Translate tab as tabulao (n.) or tabular (v.) when referring to the character used to align lines and columns on the screen and on the printed page. Note: Do not translate Tab when referring to the key name; use tecla Tab.
207. taskbar 207. barra de tarefas
208. template 208. modelo
209. text box 209. caixa de texto
210. theme 210. tema
211. title bar 211. barra de ttulo
212. title text 212. texto do ttulo
213. toggle 213. alternncia (n.) / altenar (v.)
214. toolbar 214. barra de ferramentas
215. type (n.) 215. tipo
216. type (v.) 216. digitar
217. unavailable 217. no disponvel
218. Unfold 218. Desdobrar
219. Undo 219. Desfazer
220. View menu 220. menu Exibir
221. visual editing 221. edio visual
222. Web 222. Web
223. Web page 223. pgina da Web
224. Web site 224. site da Web
225. What's This? 225. O que isto?
226. Window 226. Janela
227. Windows Explorer 227. Windows Explorer
228. wizard 228. assistente
229. workbook 229. pasta de trabalho
230. Yes 230. Sim