Commerce Server 2002 - General Discussion (February 9, 2005)

Posted: February 16, 2005

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity


Chat Topic: General Discussion on Commerce Server 2002 Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Alex (Moderator):
We are pleased to welcome our Experts for today’s chat. I will have them introduce themselves now.

Alex (Moderator):
Hello, my name is Alex Shogren and I am part of the Community Team.

CharlesT (Expert):
Hello, I am Charles. I'm the Technical Lead for Microsoft Commerce Server Support.

Sudha (Expert):
Hi, I am Sudha and I am part of the Commerce Server test team

Jim (Expert):
Hello, my name is Jim. I am the Team Manager for Commerce Server Support.

John (Expert):
Hi - my name is John, I'm a lead program manager for Commerce server in sustained engineering

MaxAkbar (Expert):
Hi my name is Max Program Manager for Commerce Server

Ankur_MSFT (Expert):
Hi I am Ankur. I am a Program Manager in the Commerce Server team.

Mona (Expert):
Hi all, I'm Mona Guentzel, a technical writer. I will seek and find any answers to any documentation questions that you may have.

Start of Chat

MaxAkbar (Expert):
Q: Is there any way to move a product existing in one catalog to another catalog without deleting the same. One option is to do it programmatically. We copy the product properties into another product object, delete old and create new. any simple way?
A: BizDesk or Catalog Manager in FP1 does not have functionality to move a product from one catalog to another. You can however implement your own solution programmatically.

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: We are planning on deploying MS2002 FP1 in a DMZ which is not connected to our domain (no domain accts available) - How can I grant access to CatalogManager and BizDesk to my (internal/domain) users without access to their domain accts?
A: On the Commerce Server you will need to create user accounts for each user who will be able to access the BizDesk and grant that account permission. When the user attempts to open the BizDesk they will need to supply their logon information. For the Catalog Manager, you would use AZMAN to manage the accounts.

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: If I create local accounts for the users, and use AZMan to grant permissions to CatalogManager, will CatalogManager know who is trying to access it? Will it prompt a user for their credentials (which will be their 'special' accounts, local to CS)?
A: If the user name and password are identical on the Commerce Server and in the domain then they should not get prompted but if they are different then they will be asked for the user informaiton.

MaxAkbar (Expert):
Q: Refreshing the catalog system/ user profile is too costly an operation. is there any workaround?
A: Refreshing a Full Text Index can be costly and should be performed during non peak hours. As for the user profile look at the help files for using Profiles n web farm scenario.

John (Expert):
Q: ELO SABES MUCHO SOBRE Commerce Server 2002 - translates roughly to – Do you know much about CS2002

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: Hi , I want to know the Importance of Commerce server in modern Solutions ?
A: You can reference the materials at which will provide much detail for you in how Commerce Server works and what it can do for you.

CharlesT (Expert):
Q: Since we are deploying the CS in a DMZ, but the SQL server is on our internal network, we specified SQL accounts when setting up CS instead of a local account. Are there any 'gotchas' I should be aware of - CS warns me that this config is not recommended.
A: Although Microsoft does recommend using Windows Authentication with Commerce Server as it does provide a greater level of security over SQL authentication, SQL authencation will work just fine. You can refer to the Internet Data Center 1.5—Reference Architecture Guide and secure deployment information located at

Alex (Moderator):
Q: Can we get on a mailing list or similar to be advised when/if there are other Commerce Server events? I wouldn't have known about this one except I was advised when I requested the SDK
A: I will have to ask some others if such a mailing list exists. These chats are monthly, so we will be back next month. Also, be sure to check the Commerce Server newsgroups for information:

Alex (Moderator):
Thank you all for coming today and participating in today’s Chat.
If you would like further information on this topic please visit the following URL(s):
We hope you join us for our next chat on March 9th. You can see a full list of the upcoming chats via

Alex (Moderator):
You can also post questions and comments in our newsgroups. They live on at microsoft.public.commerceserver.*

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