Windows CE 5.0 (Wednesday, April 26, 2006)

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity

Chat Topic: Windows CE 5.0 Live Chat!
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Welcome to today’s public chat. Our chat today covers the broad topic of Windows CE 5.0! Before we begin, I would like to begin by posting the chat rules and instructions:

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
1. This chat will last for one hour. During this hour, our Experts will respond to as many questions as they can. Please understand that there may be some questions we cannot respond to due to lack of information or because the information is not yet public.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
2. We encourage you to submit questions for our Experts. To do so, type your questions in the send box, select the “ask the Experts” box and click SEND. Questions sent directly to the Guest Chat room will not be answered by the Experts, but we encourage other community members to assist.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
3. We ask that you stay on topic for the duration of the chat. This helps the Guests and Experts follow the conversation more easily. We invite you to ask off topic questions after this chat is over, but not during.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
4. Please abide by the Chat Code of Conduct.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
We are pleased to welcome our Experts for today’s chat. I will have them introduce themselves now. Let’s begin the chat!


MikeCal [msft] (Expert):
Hi everyone. I'm Mike Calligaro and I'm a developer on the Windows Mobile team.

chetl_FTE (Expert):
Hi, my name is chet and I'm a test lead for Input and Language test teams in the core OS area.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Hi, my name is Karel and I work as developer in BSP team.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Hi, I'm Sue Loh, a developer on the Windows CE team at Microsoft. I work on the CE kernel and file system and on system performance. I am also moderating today's chat. I hope we can answer some questions for you today!

Michael_MS (Expert):
Hello, I am Michael Malueg, lead PM in the Windows CE group focusing on our target device efforts such as VoIP phones and Thin Clients.

GLanger_MSFT (Expert):
Hi, my name is Glen Langer. I'm a program manager for BSPs.

BorMing_MS (Expert):
Hi, I'm Bor-Ming, I worked on CE kernel.

gregsco_MSFT (Expert):
Hi, I'm Greg Scott. I'm a developer on the Windows CE networking team.

AmmonL_MSFT (Expert):
My name is Ammon Larson and I'm a developer on the Windows Mobile team, working on security and settings.

DonGam_MSFT (Expert):
Don Gambrell - Technology Lead in Windows CE Test. Don't forget to check out the Windows Embedded Test blog!

MattAn_MSFT (Expert):
Hello I'm Matt Anfang a BSP Dev.

oguzs_MSFT (Expert):
Hi, my name is Oguz and and I'm a developer in Windows CE BSP team.

ArianeJa_MSFT (Expert):
I'm Ariane Jansen, I'm a file systems developer.

jsirois_msft (Expert):
Hi, I'm Jeff Sirois. I am a developer working primarily on DirectDraw, GDI, and display drivers.

ChadMack_MSFT (Expert):
Hi, I'm Chad Mack. Content Strategist for the Mobile and Embedded Documentation Team.

Kwan (Expert):
Hi All

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
If you’re just joining us, welcome to today’s chat regarding Windows CE 5.0! Your questions, comments and feedback are welcome.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Just a reminder that to post a question for our experts, please remember to check the “Ask the Experts” box.

*Start of Chat

MikeCal [msft] (Expert):
Q: I am trying to add my holidays to outlook calander and it will not add past 2005. do i need to download something in order to get the holidays for the next years?
A: Sonia, can you tell us more about how you're going about it? I just grabbed a device and entered an appointment in 2007. It didn't seem to care that it was in the future.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: what is the advantage of using virtual memory in wince???
A: Hmm, good question :) . Let say it is same as it is in OS/360, VMS, NT, Linux, VOS, Multics and other operating systems. Yes, it has some hardware requirements and performance penalty. But Microsoft also offers OS without virtual memory (based on tiny .Net) if you need something for very small footprint and tiny ARM (I am not sure how it is available, try seach Microsoft web site).

BorMing_MS (Expert):
Q: addition to q3: why WinCE have 64MB fixed Virtual memory structure. 32Mb upper layer & 32Mb lower layer. can't we use more than that?
A: The purpose of Virtual Memory is to provide protection. For example, one process cannot see the memory of another process. Without Virtual Memory (MMU), anyone have access to any physical address. As for the memory limitation, it's due we the OS design have all the processes sharing the same 4G address space. The memory is used for kernel (2G), shared memory region (~1G), and 32 processes (32M each).

BorMing_MS (Expert):
Q: is context of ans of que 9 , if i am not i can map physical address to virtual memory...using API call...........then wont it violate memory protection?
A: I suppose you meant VirtualCopy to map physical address? Yes, you'll be able to access to any physical this way. But (1) the API is "privileged" that will not allow arbitrary application to call it on a device with security model implemented. And (2) even if on a device that doesn't, it still prevents you from accidental access to other processes memory (you'll need to explicitly map the memory before you can use it).

BorMing_MS (Expert):
Q: regarding the virtual memory--- does wince swap out the process ? if yes then where does it is kept?
A: We don't 'swap out' in the sense where you save all the memory content to a media (disk, for example). However, we do 'swap' processes such that each process get to run in its own contained Virtual Space.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: I have IDE hard disk controller & FAT file system in that & it is having 2 partitions of 10GB. And in the OS Image ; I have used ATAPI PCI/IDE Storage Block Driver and FAT File System (storage Manager) and Device Manager also added using platform Bui
A: What is the question here? It seems to have been cut off.

ArianeJa_MSFT (Expert):
Q: to connect HDD to CEPC device;I have used ATAPI PCI/IDE Storage Block Driver and FAT File System on CEPC in PB5.0;it is not detecting HDD.
A: Can you tell where the failure is happening? In other words, is the HDD never found, is it never mounted, does FATFS fail?

Michael_MS (Expert):
Q: Are there any whitepapers that extend the documentation on how to replace portions of the VoIP stack such as the Media Manager?
A: There aren't any whitepapers published on how to do this beyond source code... Let me know what your want to change/extend and we will make sure we address it.

Michael_MS (Expert):
Q: Michael_MS, If you search on "VoIP DSP" in the Platform Builder Help, you'll get a link to "VoIP Media Manager" and it says that you can implement a Media Manager that uses the DSP. That's great, now I need some specific detail on doing this.
A: It the docs point you to a section on the responsibilites of the Media Manager which have to be implemented by the replacement RTP stack. So if you use a DSP to handle the audio, those are the Methods that have to be implemented.

Michael_MS (Expert):
Q: Michael_MS, If you search on "VoIP DSP" in the Platform Builder Help, you'll get a link to "VoIP Media Manager" and it says that you can implement a Media Manager that uses the DSP. That's great, now I need some specific detail on doing this.
A: Continued... We will work on a whitepaper that explains how to do this in more detail. Thanks

AmmonL_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Can somebody help in VB.NET for smart devices
A: Many of the experts on this panel use VB.NET for smart devices. Go ahead and ask your question.

AmmonL_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Actually my application keeps data in a file created by and contents (string data) is written by streamwriter but the problem is that any time my user can open the file and can change its contents both on the device and on desktop pc.
A: When you don't want other applications to be able to access the file, keep it open in your application and specify the FileShare properties that you want the file to have (e.g., None, Read, etc).

AmmonL_MSFT (Expert):
Q: can we write our custom datatypes to a file by
A: Just open the file for binary write instead of text. Then you can write out custom datatypes.

AmmonL_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Q: [55] I have tried this but unfortunately it does not work with will you please tell me or give me some idea how to do this
A: Example on MSDN of how to write binary data to a file:

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: where can i find citrix ica client for windows ce 5 x86 based devices?
A: Here's the link that I find:;=3602&pID;=186

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: Hey Paul i tried that link ... It gives a CAB for x86 ppc that does not run at all using WCELOAD. I tried to extract but the files are all renamed, do you know any good cab that extracts and puts the right name on the files?
A: Sorry, you'd have to contact Citrix directly and find out what's broken in their download. I doubt that they get many requests for x86 CE (it has to be mostly PPC and that's 99.9% ARM).

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
If you’re just joining us, welcome to today’s chat regarding Windows CE 5.0! Your questions, comments and feedback are welcome.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: I am trying to enable celog on a device which has the security feature enabled. The LoadKernelLibrary() call fails even tough celog.dll is signed. I haven't signed the flush app (celogflush.exe). What is the required trust level of the celogflush app
A: Yeah, the LoadKernelLibrary library requires the caller to be trusted in addition to the library being loaded. So celogflush would have to be trusted as well.

jsirois_msft (Expert):
Q: IS there any GUI available which can interact with the UPnP MediaRenderer and/or UpnP control point?
A: There is a sample UPnP AV Renderer in CE 5.0 (, but I don't believe it has a GUI.

John Spaith [MS] (Expert):
Q: 4. How can my HTML page interact with UPnP MediaRenderer and/or UpnP control point?
A: Jadav - if the documentation in MSDN and the sample source code for UPNP in PB (public\servers\oak\samples\upnp and public\servers\sdk\samples\upnp) is not sufficient, please post this question to the newsgroups ( The dev who owns UPNP is not currently in to field this, sorry.

Alex Bussmann [MSFT] (Expert):
Q: 4. How can my HTML page interact with UPnP MediaRenderer and/or UpnP control point?
A: There is no UPnP MediaRenderer GUI. There is a GUI control point application called GenericUcp.exe.

DonGam_MSFT (Expert):
Q: can i have email address of developer of UPnP?
A: Please post your question. If we cannot answer it, I will broker your question to the appropriate person.

John Spaith [MS] (Expert):
Q: can i have email address of developer of UPnP?
A: Jadav - Don must've missed the thread already, please disregard his post. We're not able to provide direct support outside of chat/newsgroup/blog/MS product support services. Please use the newsgroups and I'll make sure that the UPNP dev checks them.

John Spaith [MS] (Expert):
Q: Does the concept of "Services" exist in WM5? Can I create software that loads and runs as a service, as I can for XP?
A: Yes - CE has a services.exe which is similiar in spirit (though not implementation, either of services.exe itself or of the services you write to it) to desktop Services.exe. Check out and MSDN ref docs for more info.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Hello everyone, Our experts are catching up on existing questions, we welcome you to continue submitting your questions.

KGrey [MSFT] (Expert):
Q: I have a .NET CF 2.0 c# client on PDA interfacing to server using SOAP/XML/Webservices. need to handle large XML and .pdf content from the server to client to store on SD card. We'll encode/encript data. What CF/.NET constructs to mimimize PGM memory.
A: Form my personal experience, it may be worth while to use a seperate HTTP GET to download large files like a PDF. If you transfer them as a byte array using SOAP the data will inflate in size. It is a perfectly acceptable way to do it, but it would be more efficient to download the large files outside of the webservice.

KGrey [MSFT] (Expert):
Q: KGrey: Unfortunately, WebServices is the server client interface. When the data in uncoded/ucompress to be written as files, is memory allocated in the runtime process or will it stream to the SD card without memory allocated except original compress form?
A: kmm516: I *think* that might be an implementation detail on your end. If you make multiple calls to get a single file in chunks, then you can limit the amount of memory allocated. However if you make webservice call to get an array that is 2MB in size, then memory for the 2MB array will be allocated. So if you break down the download of the file into multiple webservice calls, then you can limit the amount of memory that will be allocated. Does this make sense?

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: I am currently working on a project where we would like to encrypt cemail.vol and pim.vol.. unfortunately both of these files are always in use by the system.. is there a way to crypt the whole file, or should I crypt record by record using POOM/CEMailAPI?
A: I will attempt to answer this one, though I don't know POOM very well -- I think you won't be able to get access to the whole file at once, so you'll probably have to encrypt record by record.

MikeCal [msft] (Expert):
Q: I am currently working on a project where we would like to encrypt cemail.vol and pim.vol.. unfortunately both of these files are always in use by the system.. is there a way to crypt the whole file, or should I crypt record by record using POOM/CEMailAPI?
A: Hi Flo, I asked around and got the following answer to your question. "To encrypt the entire file, you'd need to have the encryption happen early in the boot sequence (before the WM opens the file). Whichever route you take for encryption needs to be transparent to the existing apps that use the databases, so if you choose to encrypt individual records, you'd have to write a replacement CEMAPI (not recommended - it's a huge amount of work and fraught with app-compat issues). Encrypting the whole file is probably the simpler solution."

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: i am currently working on Davinci EVM board - DM6446 and i am writing a miniport ethernet driver for it. this board contains EMAC and IntelLXT as PHY 1) logically miniport driver comes at which layer of OSI model?
A: If I didn't forget all about OSI model NDIS driver works on data link layer (send/receive ethernet packet).

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: 2)what is the role of NDIS in generating Ethernet frame
A: It tells upper stack which physical format it supports (ethernet) and then is send/receives Ethernet packets created by upper layers. It this sense it encapsulate data layer.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: 3)does driver need to do something regarding adding header for a packet which comes from an upper layer?
A: Answer is no.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: 4)what does NDIS do when more then one application tries to open a driver for use?? does driver need to block this call using some mechanism?
A: There are two types of NDIS driver. In simpler one (serialized) all synchronization is done by NDIS framework. For complicated one NDIS should do some synchronization.

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: 4)what does NDIS do when more then one application tries to open a driver for use?? does driver need to block this call using some mechanism?
A: Opens the driver, how, exactly? If you are writing a sockets program to send data via your network adapter, your program itself doesn't have the driver open in any way. You send your data, which gets transmitted down through the various layers of WinSock and so on, ending up as a request to send a packet. The adapter driver gets that request from NDIS, not from you directly.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: it seems from ans 36 that miniport does not required to implement any sync mechanism......right?
A: Yes, if you will stay with basic/simpler/older model.

stjong_MSFT (Expert):
Q: what action should be taken by miniport ethernet driver when it identifies some error in received frame? and what action NDIS take ?
A: If your miniport driver detects it then it can drop the packet. Malformed packet will be discarded by either NDIS or the protocol drivers subsequently.

stjong_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Q 63 : in order to correct or recover from error , what action should me taken by miniport ethernet driver when it identifies some error in received frame? and what action NDIS take ?
A: An malformed received packet should be discarded (e.g. runt packet). NDIS periodically checks the health of miniport driver (see CheckForHang handler) and miniport driver can decide to perform a h/w or s/w reset at that point in time if necessary.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: regarding the testing of an ethernet driver...i want to test one functionality of my driver which is to reset the EMAC how to write a custom testcase which checks weather the deviec is reset or not.?
A: We ship test which excercise NDIS driver reset. But I am not sure what you want achive - we just test if NDIS stays live after reset (there isn't any other way how to know that hardware get reset from NDIS point of view). Generally writting NDIS test isn't easy - you have create test in form of NDIS protocol driver.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: in context of que 53 : is it proper to write a test case which check weather my device is properly reset or not after issuing reset command???
A: General answer is yes. But question is how you will deside that device is properly reset. NDIS miniport driver is stateless (if I ignore packet queuing for now). As test should be hardware agnostic (run on any NDIS miniport driver) we can't check hardware directly. So all what we are checking is if NDIS miniport releases all queued packets on reset and after reset it starts work again.

stjong_MSFT (Expert):
Q: NDIS filters any supported statistics object identifiers out of the list because protocols never make statistics queries. what is the use of it?
A: NDIS allows protocol to query the statistics OIDs. Which OID were you referring to?

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Our experts are catching up on existing questions, we welcome you to continue submitting your questions.

jayrava_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Why, when I ActiveSync my WM5 device, does my wireless network connection disable? When debugging in Visual Studio, I have to be cradled, but this disables the wireless connection. Is there a way around this?
A: When you cradle your device, all other wireless connections from your device are disabled for security reasons to disable dual connection

stjong_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Why, when I ActiveSync my WM5 device, does my wireless network connection disable? When debugging in Visual Studio, I have to be cradled, but this disables the wireless connection. Is there a way around this?
A: AS connection is considered secure connection by default hence multi homing is not allowed, see Through configuration manager it can be made non-secure (see Once it is non-secure, the wireless adapter won't be shut down.

JasonFul_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Why, when I ActiveSync my WM5 device, does my wireless network connection disable? When debugging in Visual Studio, I have to be cradled, but this disables the wireless connection. Is there a way around this?
A: Also see for a workaround.

rjordan_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Concerning question 10, I'm trying the links you showed, but I get a Page Not Found error. Is something wrong with those URLs?
A: URL works for me; please try again.

stjong_MSFT (Expert):
Q: I tried this: but get Page Not Found
A: Try or

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: Concerning question 10, I'm trying the links you showed, but I get a Page Not Found error. Is something wrong with those URLs?
A: This *is* a known issue. There's a thread in the microsoft.public.pocketpc.activesync newsgroup called "ActiveSync Kills Wireless". If you could check whether that matches your experience and post what *exactly* your hardware is, that would help the AS guys get it fixed. This seems to be related to the Intel wireless software, so make sure you have the latest from If you are using WPA, that sounds very much like the same problem as the others. If you can switch to WEP, that should also fix it.

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: how to write and read data by parallel port(epp) under ce?
A: You'd really need to write a driver for the port, exposing an interface that matches what you want to do. CE's "parallel port driver" is really only designed for printing, not for general bidirectional data transfer.

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: hi,if i want to use the EPP mode ,what base address should i use 378?? or 37D?
A: The base address and the operating mode of the port are completely different things. The base address should match where the port actually 'is' in the memory space of the device. Configuring the port for a given mode is, as I recall, driver specific. Refer to the documentation for the parallel port driver you're using to see if you can change modes and how.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: can you tell me some detail about parallel about the parallel on e-box II,especially about the epp mode?
A: There is chat for Challenge tommorow. We will try to get more information ebot E-box II parallel part for it.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: my upsd3234a singlechip is an usb device ,when i plus it it to the device ,the system do not ask me for a driver,and in the Windows XP ,it is recognized as a HID device.but i don't think the driver installed correctly,because my other usb device can't work
A: I would expect that problem is that upsd3234a doesn't support HID fully. I will try to help on tommorow challange chat.

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: Using CE 2003 second edition on PPC, what is the procedure to set file space size, so it is permanent across soft and hard resets on a PPC device. Can this be done as a permanent OS setting? I read something about file but can't find it.
A: A hard reset is always going to return to the default registry settings, including the program/file system memory division settings. You could set up some code in a program that you run to change that via SetSystemMemoryDivision(), but you'd still have to make that code run after a hard reset and that's not necessarily easy.

ArianeJa_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Using CE 2003 second edition on PPC, what is the procedure to set file space size, so it is permanent across soft and hard resets on a PPC device. Can this be done as a permanent OS setting? I read something about file but can't find it.
A: Across a hard reset, you would have to set FSRAMPERCENT in the common.bib file (so only an OEM has this ability). For soft reset you can use SetSystemMemoryDivision.

ArianeJa_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Using CE 2003 second edition on PPC, what is the procedure to set file space size, so it is permanent across soft and hard resets on a PPC device. Can this be done as a permanent OS setting? I read something about file but can't find it.
A: Ah, I missed the PPC.My previous answers don't work for that platform.

PaulT_MVP (Expert):
Q: RE: Ah, I missed the PPC.My previous answers don't work for that platform. On question of PPC file memory setting, is there anyway to control file memory on PPC running CE 2003 SE
A: If I understand your question, you're wondering how to set how much of RAM is allocated to programs running on the device and how much to the RAM filesystem? You can do that via SetSystemMemoryDivision(). Again, there's no way to make the setting persist across a hard reset, if that's the confusing aspect of this.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: Re: Q62. Thanks for the clarification. Does that change in CE 5.0?
A: Windows Mobile 5.0 doesn't use a RAM object store for storage -- it uses flash persistent storage. So there is no "memory division" or way to convert between storage and program memory.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: 1.Is there any provision in CETK tool kit for testing I2C driver?
A: No to my knowledge.

GLanger_MSFT (Expert):
Q: 1.Is there any provision in CETK tool kit for testing I2C driver?
A: There is no direct way to test I2C. The best approach is to test the drivers that depend on the I2C bus - thereby exercising the I2C implicitly.

KarelD [MS] (Expert):
Q: 2.Can we use any other serial test case to test I2C driver? Or any custom driver available ?
A: No. We don't have tests for this type of device as 1) they are not exposed to end user, 2) we don't defined any I2C bus interface.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: Where would I go to get a list of patches and bug fixes for CE that might effect the operation of Windows Mobile 5.0 since Windows Mobile 5.0 is based on an almost year old build of CE ?
A: Windows Mobile is based on a later version of CE than 5.0. It is the most up-to-date OS we have. If there are any QFEs that you need to apply, they'd be listed under Windows Mobile 5 instead of Windows CE 5.

DonGam_MSFT (Expert):
Q: hi, i am working on Serial Peripheral interface, in order to run Serial Driver Test, whether we need to take same test cases for in my driver test also. what can i do for Pass the existing Test in CETK???
A: If you have tried to use the pserial tests in the CETK and they are not working, please send your question to me and I will get the CETK team to answer.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Our experts are catching up on existing questions, we welcome you to continue submitting your questions.

andyraf_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Why does gsm610.dll get renamed to gsm610.acm in common.bib?
A: The .acm naming is an artifact of history; in the old Win9x desktop code, there was a convention that acm codecs have a .acm extension. There's no technical requirement that acm filters have a .acm extension though, and I believe we recently switched to just calling it gsm610.dll, since the .acm naming confused the debugger when looking for symbols.

andyraf_MSFT (Expert):
Q: andyraf_MSFT, naming it gsm610.acm also means that you have to have a KITL connection to do any VoIP since the drivers try to load gsm610.dll. If you have the KITL connection then gsm610.dll gets loaded from the release directory. No KITL, no VoIP voice.
A: I hadn't heard of that problem in the past. If that's an issue, you can do one of the following: a) modify the common bib/reg files to keep the .dll extension b) add your own duplicate copy in your project bib to add it to your image with the .dll extension, or c) figure out how to convince voip that it should load the dll with the .acm extension.

andyraf_MSFT (Expert):
Q: andyraf_MSFT, both a and c require that I modify MSFT owned code, either common.bib or voip.reg. Option b means I end up with duplicate code. Looks like the change in voip.reg didn't sync with common.bib; line 123 specifies gsm610.dll as the driver.
A: Which OS release are you using? In any case, if I believe you should be able to add reg keys/values to your project.reg to override the values in voip.reg. That way, you don't have to touch MSFT-owned reg.

andyraf_MSFT (Expert):
Q: andyraf_MSFT, both a and c require that I modify MSFT owned code, either common.bib or voip.reg. Option b means I end up with duplicate code. Looks like the change in voip.reg didn't sync with common.bib; line 123 specifies gsm610.dll as the driver.
A: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\RTC\ACM\GSM6.10] "Driver"="gsm610.acm"

andyraf_MSFT (Expert):
Q: andyraf_MSFT, both a and c require that I modify MSFT owned code, either common.bib or voip.reg. Option b means I end up with duplicate code. Looks like the change in voip.reg didn't sync with common.bib; line 123 specifies gsm610.dll as the driver.
A: To clarify- add the lines above to your project.reg or platform.reg, and they will override the settings in voip.reg. This won't increase your image size at all.

andyraf_MSFT (Expert):
Q: andyraf_MSFT, I know how to change it, I was pointing out that this is a bug in the current Windows CE 5.0 distribution, not in anything that I should modify or control.
A: Thanks. I agree that it's a bug in our code which will get fixed in a future release.

andyraf_MSFT (Expert):
Q: andyraf_MSFT, thanks for the second part, I didn't think about changing it in project.reg. Will that work though? Is project.reg applied last or are the reg files processed in alphabetical order?
A: Reg files are processed in deptree order. Basically, the project.reg and platform.reg are processed last (I forget which order for those two). They should override any settings for other MS reg files.

AmmonL_MSFT (Expert):
Q: What's the difference between using WndProc in Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms and the way it is implemented in the regular framework?
A: I've taken a look and can't find any significant differences. Is there a specific issue that you're seeing?

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Hello everyone, sorry for delayed responses, but you've asked a lot of questions we don't know the answers to immediately. Our experts are catching up on existing questions. We welcome you to continue submitting your questions.

jayrava_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Currently running SBS2003 and have install SP2 for exchange, I have a UTstarcom CE device running mobile 5. Having difficulty synchronizing remotely. I have done a self assigned certificate. I get error 0x80072F17 during Synch. What am i missing?
A: This error code you are getting is "ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_ERRORS" Can you try syncing without SSL First to narrow down the issue please?

jayrava_MSFT (Expert):
Q: [17] Currently running SBS2003 and have install SP2 for exchange, I have a UTstarcom CE device running mobile 5. Having difficulty synchronizing remotely. I have done a self assigned certificate. I get error 0x80072F17 during Synch. What am i missing?
A: This error code you are getting is "ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_ERRORS" You can get this if the cert is Invalid or if the cert does not match the servers or if the root cert was not installed correctly.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: is it possible to backport the usb mass storage from 5 to 4.2?
A: If you have the public source then I think you can do this yourself, but Microsoft does not guarantee it will work.

rjordan_MSFT (Expert):
Q: Trying to find the CETK to download compatible with CE 2003 SE to get to AppVerfier. Does AppVerifier profile code/memory on PPC device for managed .NET CF 2.0 C# code? Please provide download link.
A: Please try the following link:;=en

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: Re: Q57 AppVerifier. Can it be used to profile managed code?
A: No, sorry, AppVerifier does not work on managed code.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: Are there any tools or plans for tools to help customers writing managed code with execution and memory profiling, particularly for PPC target platforms.
A: That is a good question, and I wish I knew the answer to it. The compact framework does have some memory usage tools you can use, but I don't have pointers I can give you at the moment. I will IM you privately with my email address and we can follow up about that offline. I don't think there are any execution profiling tools right now.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
We’ve got about 10 minutes left in today’s chat concerning Windows CE 5.0. Our experts are still trying to catch up on questions.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: i have a SONY USB floppy disk driver that behaves strangely on windows ce 4.2, but do work fine in windows ce 5 platforms... When i remove a disk and put another different one, the "Floppy Disk" folder is not mounted anymore.
A: It might be a driver unload delay problem. Try picking up all the CE 4.2 QFEs from our web site, but beyond that I'm not sure what would be the problem.

davli_MSFT (Expert):
Q: i have a SONY USB floppy disk driver that behaves strangely on windows ce 4.2, but do work fine in windows ce 5 platforms... When i remove a disk and put another different one, the "Floppy Disk" folder is not mounted anymore.
A: I don't know which specific change fixing this problem. Can you use Windows CE 5.0 driver in Windows CE 4.2?

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Q: how can i force mount/dismount a USB floppy driver using EVC4? Which Api do i need to search?
A: Are you trying to unmount the store? Or the USB driver itself? For stores I think you probably can look up the FATUTIL helper.

davli_MSFT (Expert):
Q: I updated from CE 4.0 to CE 5.0. I get my card detection function called but I do not get any CE_CARD_INSERTION callbacks that happened previously. How do I handle this now?
A: CE_CARD_INSERTION is un-necessary. Can you tell me why you need it. When the Driver's XXX_Init called, the card certain inserted, you can do whatever you do in CE_CARD_INSERTION in XXX_Init.

davli_MSFT (Expert):
Q: I cannot seem to get a card socket handle that is valid from XXX_INIT when calling any type of card function like GEt First Tuple?
A: The sock handle is inside registry. You can get socket handle from under ActiveKey.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Sorry everyone, none of us are very familiar with EboxII, so I think we are not going to be able to answer many of your questions. What I will do is take the unanswered EboxII questions from today's chat and post them on the forum from Then we'll try to get them answered there. So check there for answers to any EboxII questions you ask that don't get answered.

AmmonL_MSFT (Expert):
Q: I have a problem exactly similar as described in this post, do you have an idea ? (this post was never answered)
A: I work on LASS and LAPs and I haven't seen this issue -- it doesn't sound like anything known. Do you have a sample DLL that you can send in offline?

GLanger_MSFT (Expert):
Q: can you tell me what are the linear flash devices
A: Linear flash devices are NOR. Are you asking about specific devices?

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Hey everyone, we're running out of time. We'll try to answer a few more questions here but will have to cut out soon.

cle_msft (Expert):
Q: when i create a new project & runs it, it will create OAK folder contains lib & target in Root directory. But it should create it in project directory\Wince500\oak in that 2 folders lib & target. is this is a bug????????? in PB5.0
A: You may need to double-check the release type in your SOURCES file.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Thank you for joining us today for our Windows CE 5.0 chat today! A special thank you to the product group members for coming out.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
We’ll see you again for another chat next month, please check for the list of upcoming chats.

Sue Loh [MS] (Moderator):
Sorry everyone, we are out of time. There are a lot of unanswered EboxII questions -- please check the learningce forums for those.

*End of Chat

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