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RetryStrategyCollection Members

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The RetryStrategyCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method RetryStrategyCollection
Initializes a new instance of the RetryStrategyCollection class


  Name Description
Public method Add
Add an instance of T to the collection.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Protected method BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement)
Adds a configuration element to the ConfigurationElementCollection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement, Boolean)
Adds a configuration element to the configuration element collection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseAdd(Int32, ConfigurationElement)
Adds a configuration element to the configuration element collection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseClear
Removes all configuration element objects from the collection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGet(Object)
Returns the configuration element with the specified key.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGet(Int32)
Gets the configuration element at the specified index location.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGetAllKeys
Returns an array of the keys for all of the configuration elements contained in the ConfigurationElementCollection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGetKey
Gets the key for the ConfigurationElement at the specified index location.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseIndexOf
Indicates the index of the specified ConfigurationElement.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseIsRemoved
Indicates whether the ConfigurationElement with the specified key has been removed from the ConfigurationElementCollection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseRemove
Removes a ConfigurationElement from the collection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseRemoveAt
Removes the ConfigurationElement at the specified index location.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method Clear
Clear the collection.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Public method Contains
Determines if the name exists in the collection.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Public method CopyTo
Copies the contents of the ConfigurationElementCollection to an array.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method CreateNewElement()
Creates a new ConfigurationElement.
(Inherited from PolymorphicConfigurationElementCollection<T>.)
Protected method CreateNewElement(String)
Creates a new named ConfigurationElement.
(Inherited from PolymorphicConfigurationElementCollection<T>.)
Protected method DeserializeElement
Reads XML from the configuration file.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public method Equals
Compares the ConfigurationElementCollection to the specified object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method ForEach
Performs the specified action on each element of the collection.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Public method Get(Int32)
Gets the configuration element at the specified index location.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Public method Get(String)
Gets the named instance of T from the collection.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Protected method GetElementKey
Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Public method GetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Public method GetHashCode
Gets a unique value representing the ConfigurationElementCollection instance.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method GetTransformedAssemblyString
Returns the transformed version of the specified assembly name.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method GetTransformedTypeString
Returns the transformed version of the specified type name.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Init
Sets the ConfigurationElement object to its initial state.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method InitializeDefault
Used to initialize a default set of values for the ConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method IsElementName
Indicates whether the specified ConfigurationElement exists in the ConfigurationElementCollection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method IsElementRemovable
Indicates whether the specified ConfigurationElement can be removed from the ConfigurationElementCollection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method IsModified
Indicates whether this ConfigurationElementCollection has been modified since it was last saved or loaded when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method IsReadOnly
Indicates whether the ConfigurationElementCollection object is read only.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method ListErrors
Adds the invalid-property errors in this ConfigurationElement object, and in all subelements, to the passed list.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute
Gets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement
Called when an unknown element is encountered while deserializing the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement object.
(Overrides PolymorphicConfigurationElementCollection<T>.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(String, XmlReader).)
Protected method OnRequiredPropertyNotFound
Throws an exception when a required property is not found.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method PostDeserialize
Called after deserialization.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method PreSerialize
Called before serialization.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public method Remove
Remove the named element from the collection.
(Inherited from NamedElementCollection<T>.)
Protected method Reset
Resets the internal state of the ConfigurationElement object, including the locks and the properties collections.
(Inherited from PolymorphicConfigurationElementCollection<T>.)
Protected method ResetModified
Resets the value of the IsModified() property to false when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method RetrieveConfigurationElementType
Get the configuration object for each NameTypeConfigurationElement object in the collection.
(Inherited from NameTypeConfigurationElementCollection<T, TCustomElementData>.)
Protected method SerializeElement
Writes the configuration data to an XML element in the configuration file when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method SerializeToXmlElement
Writes the outer tags of this configuration element to the configuration file when implemented in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method SetPropertyValue
Sets a property to the specified value.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method SetReadOnly
Sets the IsReadOnly() property for the ConfigurationElementCollection object and for all sub-elements.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Unmerge
Reverses the effect of merging configuration information from different levels of the configuration hierarchy.
(Inherited from PolymorphicConfigurationElementCollection<T>.)


  Name Description
Protected property AddElementName
Gets or sets the name of the ConfigurationElement to associate with the add operation in the ConfigurationElementCollection when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected property ClearElementName
Gets or sets the name for the ConfigurationElement to associate with the clear operation in the ConfigurationElementCollection when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public property CollectionType
Gets the type of the ConfigurationElementCollection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public property Count
Gets the number of elements in the collection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public property CurrentConfiguration
Gets a reference to the top-level Configuration instance that represents the configuration hierarchy that the current ConfigurationElement instance belongs to.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property ElementInformation
Gets an ElementInformation object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the ConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected property ElementName
Gets the name used to identify this collection of elements in the configuration file when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected property ElementProperty
Gets the ConfigurationElementProperty object that represents the ConfigurationElement object itself.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property EmitClear
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the collection has been cleared.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected property EvaluationContext
Gets the ContextInformation object for the ConfigurationElement object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected property HasContext
Gets a value that indicates whether the CurrentConfiguration property is null.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property IsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected property Item[ConfigurationProperty]
Gets or sets a property or attribute of this configuration element.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected property Item[String]
Gets or sets a property, attribute, or child element of this configuration element.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property LockAllAttributesExcept
Gets the collection of locked attributes.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property LockAllElementsExcept
Gets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property LockAttributes
Gets the collection of locked attributes
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property LockElements
Gets the collection of locked elements.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public property LockItem
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected property Properties
Gets the collection of properties.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected property RemoveElementName
Gets or sets the name of the ConfigurationElement to associate with the remove operation in the ConfigurationElementCollection when overridden in a derived class.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public property SyncRoot
Gets an object used to synchronize access to the ConfigurationElementCollection.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected property ThrowOnDuplicate
Gets a value indicating whether an attempt to add a duplicate ConfigurationElement to the ConfigurationElementCollection will cause an exception to be thrown.
(Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)

See Also

RetryStrategyCollection Class

Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFaultHandling.Configuration Namespace