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Troubleshooting Portal Installation and Configuration

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The following checklist will help you resolve any errors you encounter while installing or running the ESB Management Portal:

  • Databases:
    • Ensure that the ESB Core or the ESB Exception Handling installation process created the EsbExceptionDb database.
    • Ensure that the portal installation process created the ESBAdmin database.
    • Ensure that the connection strings in the Web.config file for the portal point to the correct database server.
    • Ensure that the following users exist in the ESBAdmin and EsbExceptionDb databases:


      BizTalk Application Users - member of ESBPortal role

      BizTalk Server Administrators - member of ESBPortalAdmin role

  • Services:
    • Ensure that the ESB Core installation process created and configured the ESB.UDDIService and the ESB.BizTalkOperationsService Web services.
    • Ensure that the URLs in the Web.config file for the portal are correct and point to these services.
    • Ensure that the portal installation process created the IIS application pool and virtual directory for the portal.
    • Ensure that the portal application pool runs under the identity of the built-in NETWORK SERVICE account.
    • Ensure that the Web.config file for the portal contains the setting <identity impersonate="true" />.
  • General:
    • Ensure that you access the portal under the context of an account that is a member of the BizTalk Application Users or BizTalk Server Administrators group.
    • Open the MySettings tab of the portal and ensure that the configuration of the application(s) to display specifies an appropriate default date and time range.