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The Auto-Enlist and Approval Process

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You can configure the ESB Management Portal to publish BizTalk endpoints in two ways:

  • Through the approval process, where an administrator must confirm and approve the registration request
  • By using auto-publish, where the portal automatically publishes the request into the UDDI registry without requiring administrator intervention

You can also specify several other settings of the UDDI Integration features of the portal, as described in the following two procedures.

To configure auto-approval and publishing in the ESB Management Portal

  1. Ensure that you log on to the portal using an account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.
  2. Point to the Admin tab in the portal main menu, and then click Registry Settings to open the portal Registry Settings page.
  3. To enable auto-approval and publishing, type the URL of your UDDI server in the text box at the top of the UDDI Details section of the page, and then select the AutoPublish check box.
  4. To disable auto-approval and publishing, clear the Auto Publish check box.

To configure e-mail and registry settings for the UDDI Integration features

  1. Ensure that you log on to the portal using an account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators account group.
  2. Point to the Admin tab on the portal main menu, and then click Registry Settings to open the portal Registry Settings page.
  3. Edit the URL of your UDDI server in the text box at the top of the UDDI Details section of the page. The default is the local Microsoft UDDI service.
  4. Select the Anonymous check box if you want the portal to use anonymous authentication when accessing the UDDI server.
  5. If you want the portal to notify you by e-mail when a UDDI publishing request is awaiting approval, select the Notification Enabled check box in the Email Notification section of the page. Then enter the details of your e-mail server, the address for delivery of e-mail messages, an appropriate "from" e-mail address, the message subject, and the message body.
  6. Enter the administrator contact name and e-mail address for the receipt of UDDI request e-mail messages in the Default Settings section of the page.

To approve or decline a registration request as an administrator

  1. Ensure that you log into the portal using an account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.
  2. Point to the Registry tab on the portal main menu, and then click Manage Pending Requests to open the portal Manage Pending Requests page.
  3. To approve a pending request, click the Approve icon (the check mark) next to that request in the list.
  4. To reject a pending request, click the Reject icon (the cross mark) next to that request in the list.
  5. To view details of a pending request, click the View Details icon (the magnifying glass) to open the Registry Details page. You can publish, delete, or update the request in this page.
  6. To review the requests status, and see a list of previous requests, click the View Request History link.