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ESB Pipeline Interop Components

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Microsoft ESB Guidance provides support components and services, including the following:

  • JMS pipeline components. These recognize, validate, and expose metadata and the content of messages that conform to the JMS MQRFH2 standard used by IBM JMS over MQ Series messaging systems. This allows a Microsoft ESB Guidance application to receive messages from and send messages to JMS systems over MQ Series. The components promote header information into, and demote it from the message content automatically.
  • Namespace pipeline components. These can add and remove namespaces in the content of messages. This allows applications to repair conflicting namespaces or add missing namespaces to prevent namespace collisions within the Message Box database and application orchestrations. They also allow BizTalk to consume POX (Plain Old XML) without modifying external publishing systems.

For information about the ESB pipeline components, see Using the Pipeline Support Components.