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How the Resolver Service Sample Works

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The Resolver Service sample instantiates the Resolver service and passes the message you specify to it for processing. The Resolver Service sample client application uses the first parameter as the path to the ResolverList.xml file, which contains multiple resolver requests, and sends these requests to the Resolver service. For example, this is the XPATH request used in the sample:

    and namespace-uri()='
    northamericanservices/']/*[local-name()='ID' and namespace-
    <ns0:OrderDoc xmlns:ns0="">



The actual content of the <Content> element does not contain the whitespace characters used to wrap the lines in the preceding listing.

The preceding listing shows that the request contains the resolver configuration connection string within a <Content> element. The <body> element contains the message body.

The Resolver service uses the ResolverMgr class to instantiate a concrete instance of the appropriate resolver, defined by the resolver type in the connection string. In the case of the XPATH request, this is the XPATH resolver.

Next, the framework creates an instance of the ResolveProvider class named ESB.Resolver.XPath to process the request. The client application writes the response message from the Resolver service into the folder named \Source\Samples\ResolutiuonService\Output. The following listing shows the contents of the response:

Resolver.Action = 
Resolver.ActionField = 
Resolver.DocumentSpecName = 
Resolver.DocumentSpecStrongName = 
Resolver.EndpointConfig = 
Resolver.EpmRRCorrelationToken = 
Resolver.FixJaxRpc = False
Resolver.InboundTransportLocation = 
Resolver.InboundTransportType = 
Resolver.InterchangeId = 
Resolver.IsRequestResponse = 
Resolver.MessageExchangePattern = 
Resolver.MessageType = 
Resolver.MethodName = 
Resolver.OutboundTransportCLSID = 
Resolver.ReceiveLocationName = 
Resolver.ReceivePortName = 
Resolver.Success = False
Resolver.TargetNamespace = 
Resolver.TransformType = 
Resolver.TransportLocation = FILE://C:\Projects\Microsoft.
Resolver.TransportNamespace = 
Resolver.TransportType = FILE
Resolver.WindowUserField =