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The UDDI Web Service

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The UDDI Web service exposes methods that allow lookups of service endpoints using a variety of techniques and manipulation of the stored UDDI entries. The service name is ESB.UDDIService, and the service exposes a range of methods that support lookup of service information using a service name or a business name, retrieving a list of categories, publishing business providers, business services and categories, and deleting business entries.

The UDDI Web service exposes a range of methods:

  • UddiClient. This is the constructor for the service, and it takes as parameters the UDDI server URL and a security mode value, such as Transport or Message.
  • CreateDefaultESBCategories. This method publishes a set of categories to the UDDI server. It takes as parameters the model name, description, and an array of keyed references.
  • DeleteMyBusiness. This method takes as a parameter a business key, and it removes the specified business provider associated with the current user from the UDDI server.
  • DeleteMyBusinesses. This method takes no parameters, and it removes all business providers associated with the current user from the UDDI server.
  • DeleteService. This method takes as parameters the UDDI Server URL (optional) and a service key, and it removes the specified business service from the specified or the default UDDI server. The ESB Portal uses this method to delete entries.
  • GetBusinessByName. This method takes as a parameter a business name, and it returns all the information related to all matching business providers from the UDDI server.
  • GetBusinessNames. This method takes no parameters, and it returns an ArrayList containing the names of all business providers from the UDDI server.
  • GetBusinessServicesByApplication. This method takes as parameters the UDDI server URL (optional) and a category name, and it returns details of all the related business services from the specified or the default UDDI server. The ESB Portal uses this method to retrieve information.
  • GetCategoryByName. This method takes as a parameter a model name, and it returns an instance of a tModel containing all the information related to this category from the UDDI server.
  • GetMyBusinessByKey. This method takes as a parameter a business key, and it returns all the information related to this business provider associated with the current user from the UDDI server.
  • GetMyBusinessByName. This method takes as a parameter a business name, and it returns all the information related to the business provider associated with the current user from the UDDI server.
  • GetMyBusiness. This method returns all business provider information associated with the current user from the UDDI server. It requires no parameters.
  • GetPortNamesByKeyValue. This method takes as a parameter an application name, and it returns information about all the ports associated with that application. The ESB Portal uses this method to retrieve information.
  • GetServiceEndPoint. This method takes as parameters the UDDI server URL (optional) and a service key, and it returns details of the service endpoint for the specified business service from the specified or the default UDDI server. The ESB Portal uses this method to retrieve information.
  • GetServiceInfo. This method takes as parameters the UDDI server URL (optional) and a service name, and it returns details of the specified business service from the specified or the default UDDI server. The ESB Portal uses this method to retrieve information.
  • GetServiceKeyByApplication. This method takes as parameters an application name and a port name, and it returns a unique service key for the specified application and port names or an empty string of the service is not found. The ESB Portal uses this method to retrieve information.
  • PublishBusinessServiceInfo. This method publishes all the information for a business provider to the UDDI server. It takes as parameters the UDDI server name (optional), a range of values that specify the information to publish, the binding details, and the BizTalk application and port names. It overwrites any existing information for this business provider. The method returns null if an error occurs.
  • SaveBusiness. This method publishes a business service and description to the UDDI server. It takes as parameters the UDDI business name and description.
  • SaveService. This method publishes a business service with multiple categories to the UDDI server. It takes as parameters the UDDI server name (optional), the business key, the service key, the category key, the URI binding type, the binding URI, service description, a list of categories, the BizTalk application name, and BizTalk port name. It checks for any duplicate service using the application and port names. If the service key parameter is empty, the method matches on just the category key, BizTalk application name, and port name. The method returns null if an error occurs.


You must configure this service to use either Windows Integrated Security and run under the built-in NETWORK SERVICE account. You must also enable Kerberos authentication on your IIS Web server so that it sends the header "Negotiate,NTLM" to the client. For more details, see
By default, the UDDI Web Service is not configured to require SSL when accessed by clients. You should configure the service so that it requires SSL for client access, and protect the connection between the IIS Web Service Host machine and the server that hosts the UDDI service using network-level IPSec and appropriate file-level ACL permissions.