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Objects That Derive From MarshalByRefObject

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If the target object already inherits from the abstract base class MarshalByRefObject, the necessary features are automatically available. The following code shows a simple object that inherits from MarshalByRefObject and exposes a single method and a single property.

public class OrderTransactions : MarshalByRefObject
  private string greeting;

  public int CountOrderItems(string customerName)
    int orderCount = 0;
    // Code here to get count of number of orders from database.
    // ...
    return orderCount;

  public string InvoiceGreeting
    get { return greeting; }
    set { greeting = value; }

Public Class OrderTransactions
  Inherits MarshalByRefObject

  Private greeting As String

  Public Function CountOrderItems(ByVal customerName As String) As Integer
     Dim orderCount As Integer = 0
     ' Code here to get count of number of orders from database.
     ' ...
     Return orderCount
  End Function

  Public Property InvoiceGreeting() As String
      Return greeting
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
      greeting = value
    End Set
  End Property

End Class