Utilities, Tools, QuickStarts, and Guidance

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The latest Enterprise Library information can be found at the Enterprise Library site.

To help developers learn how to use Enterprise Library, and to make sure they get optimum results from it, the installation of Enterprise Library includes the following utilities, tools, QuickStart applications, and guidance:

  • Batch files that build the Enterprise Library source code and copy the assemblies to the appropriate locations. For more information, see Building Enterprise Library from the Source Code.
  • Utilities to install the instrumentation required by Enterprise Library. For more information, see Enabling Instrumentation.
  • Utilities to create the sample databases used by the Enterprise Library examples and QuickStarts.
  • A full set of QuickStart applications, one for each application block, which demonstrate how you can use the application blocks. They implement common scenarios from each application block and provide links to the relevant sections of the guidance documentation. For details about the QuickStarts, see the relevant section for each application block.

In addition, the source code for Enterprise Library includes Visual Studio projects and unit tests that developers can use to extend and modify the library and the application blocks. Developers make sure applications still meet the design requirements by running the unit tests and writing new tests.

For information about using the Enterprise Library source code, see Building Enterprise Library from the Source Code.

For information about the unit tests included with Enterprise Library, see Unit Tests.