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Querying for Business Providers and Service Information

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This topic describes how you can use the UDDI Service sample to get information from a UDDI registry. Note that, when using the test client application, you should execute the methods that publish information before attempting to query for it.

To query for business providers and services in the UDDI registry

  1. If the GlobalBank.ESB application is not already running, use the BizTalk Administration Console to start it.
  2. Open the folder \Samples\UDDIService\ESB.UDDIService.TestClient, and then start the ESB.UDDIService.TestClient.exe application.
  3. Select the value SelectByBusinesses in the CallType drop-down list, and then click the InvokeService button. The application shows a list of business providers registered in UDDI.
  4. Expand the serviceInfos node in the tree view, and then select the service name of a registered business provider; for example, OrderFileService.
  5. Select the value GetServiceInfo in the CallType drop-down list, and then click the InvokeService button. The sample application displays information about the service, including the business key and service key.