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Caching Application Block Event Log Entries

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This topic lists the Caching Application Block event log entries. The listener is the class that raised the event. The event is the name of the event. The exception is the Boolean value of the exception. The main message is the main error message.

Listener: CachingInstrumentationListener

  • Event: CacheFailed
  • Exception: true
  • Main message: The error occurred using the instance instance name.
  • Additional information: Failure while starting application-specified refresh action.

Listener: CachingInstrumentationListener

  • Event: CacheCallbackFailed
  • Exception: true
  • Main message: The error occurred executing the removal callback for key key in the instance name instance.

Listener: DefaultCachingEventLogger

  • Event: Configuration error
  • Exception: true
  • Main message: The error occurred retrieving the configuration for instance instance name.

Listener: ConfigurationChangeWatcher

  • Event: Error notifying a change in Configuration.
  • Exception: N/A
  • Main message: There was an error raising an event in watcher type full name-exception message.