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Using a Pipeline Component to Cache Itinerary for Solicit-Response

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Messages submitted through the ESB itinerary on-ramp can be either a one-way or two-way (request-response) itinerary. To support request-response itineraries, the itinerary mechanism must provide caching for BizTalk dynamic Solicit-Response send ports.

The Itinerary Cache pipeline component persists the itinerary stored in the outbound message and reapplies it to the response message returned to the send port after the service call is complete. This allows the itinerary service to process and execute other services defined after the current service in the itinerary.

The ESB Itinerary Cache pipeline component caches the itinerary during the period that the message is in the Send Transmit pipeline process cycle. The component then retrieves the itinerary and writes it to a BizTalk context property in the inbound message after receipt during the Send Receive process cycle.

By default, the ESB Itinerary Cache pipeline component resides in the ItineraryReceiveSend.btp BizTalk pipeline, as shown in Figure 1, and you should use this only as the receive pipeline for a Solicit-Response send port.


Figure 1
Using the ESB Itinerary Cache pipeline component in a BizTalk receive pipeline for a Solicit-Response send port.