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Publishing Business Provider and Service Information to UDDI

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This topic describes how you can use the UDDI Service sample to publish information into a UDDI registry. Note that, when using the test client application, you should execute the methods that publish information before attempting to query for it.

To publish business provider and service information to the UDDI registry

  1. If the GlobalBank.ESB application is not already running, use the BizTalk Administration Console to start it.

  2. Open the folder \Samples\UDDIService\ESB.UDDIService.TestClient, and then start the ESB.UDDIService.TestClient.exe application.

  3. Enter the appropriate business provider information in the PublishBusinessInfo tab, as shown in Figure 1.


    Figure 1
    The Publish Business Info tab of the UDDI Service client application

  4. Select the value PublishBusinessInfo in the CallType drop-down list, and then click the InvokeService button to submit the request to the ESB UDDI Service. Note that the model name should always be microsoft-com:esb:runtimeresolution when you register a Business Provider for use with the ESB Guidance.

  5. Type the value SampleService into the ServiceName text box, and then click the InvokeService button to submit a request that registers a new business provider. This adds a new provider with the service named SampleService and a new binding to the UDDI.

  6. The client application receives and displays the business key (a GUID) as the response. Make a note of this value for use when publishing the service, as described in the following steps.

  7. To obtain the correct UDDI provider key, select the value GetServiceInfo in the CallType drop-down list, type the value SampleService in the Value text box, and then click the InvokeService button. Make a note of the ServiceKey and BusinessKey values returned by the service and displayed in the application.

  8. To obtain the category key (a TModelKey type) for an ESB resolution category, select the value GetCategoryByName in the CallType drop-down list, enter the value microsoft-com:esb:runtimeresolution in the Value text box, and then click the InvokeService button. Make a note of the result for use in the following steps of this procedure.

  9. Click the SaveService tab, and then enter the value of the business key you obtained in step 6, enter the provider key you obtained in step 7 as the ServiceKey value, and enter the category key you obtained in step 8 in the Categories text box. Then define the values of the service entry, as shown in Figure 2.


    Figure 2
    The Save Service tab of the UDDI Service client application

  10. To add a category key for the message exchange pattern used by the ESB resolution framework, select the value MessageExchangePattern in the CategoryKey drop-down list, and then click the AddCategoryKeyValue button.

  11. To add multiple keys and values, select a different value in the CategoryKey drop-down list (such as Request-Response), enter the corresponding values, and then click the AddCategoryKeyValue button.

  12. Select SaveService in the CallType drop-down list, and then click the InvokeService button to submit the request to the UDDI service.

  13. To verify published data directly via UDDI, navigate to https://localhost/uddi in your Web browser to open the UDDI Web portal, and then click the Publish tab to see the UDDI entries created by this sample.