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Portal Admin Pages

Retired Content

This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

When you move the mouse over the Admin tab, a pop-up menu provides a list of portal administration tasks. The Admin tab is only visible to users who have administrative permission (members of the BizTalk Server Administrators account group). The following options are on the pop-up menu:

  • Manage Audit Log. This menu item opens the Audit Log page containing a list of audit events. From this page, you can view the message details associated with the audit event.
  • Fault Settings. This menu item opens the Fault Settings page where you can specify a range of administrative settings for auditing, the Alert Service queue, and the Alert Email service.
  • Manage Alerts (Administration View). This menu item opens the Alerts page in administration view. Administrators can use this page to view and edit all alerts and subscriptions within the system. They can also view and edit subscriptions associated with specific alerts.
  • Registry Settings. This menu item opens the Registry Settings page where you can specify a range of administrative settings for registry integration, e-mail notifications, and templates.