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Settings in the Exception Management PreProcessingCORE Script

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The following table lists the settings and the default values in the PreProcessingCORE.vbs script that installs the ESB Guidance Exception Management Framework.




The BizTalk service account for the IIS application pool (the default is ESBAppPool) to which the script will assign the virtual directories. This is the account you specified when installing BizTalk, and it must be a member of the default BizTalk Isolated Host Users group, at either the machine level (for a stand-alone installation) or domain level (for an Enterprise Farm installation). If this user does not exist, the script will create it and add it to the appropriate groups.


The password for BizTalk service account.

strGroup="BizTalk Isolated Host Users"

The name of the BizTalk account group.


The name of the local IIS services account group.

strGroupBTSAppUsers="BizTalk Application Users"

The name of the BizTalk Application Users account group.


The path to the Microsoft ESB Guidance installation source files.


The IIS application pool within which the virtual directories will run. Used by the BizTalk-generated SOAP-based Web services.


The IIS application pool within which the virtual directories will run. Used by the BizTalk-generated WCF-based Web services.


The IIS application pool within which the virtual directories will run. Used by the Microsoft ESB Guidance Web services and the ESB Management Portal (which requires integrated security or Kerberos).